Arquivo por tag: New Order

PodCast LabGRIMA #44 A Reeleição de Putin: o que o Ocidente pode esperar?

O que o Ocidente poderá esperar de mais um mandato de Vladmir Putin? A OTAN continuará ganhando os dividendos políticos e econômicos com a atuação russa na Ucrânia?

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CENEGRI-LABGRIMA-INTERISK- IIGS: Webinar Riscos Geopolíticos 26/03/2024

A necessidade de ter planos estratégicos eficazes implica que a alta gestão das empresas tenha uma compreensão de Riscos Geopolíticos. Embora o Brasil esteja afastado físicamente dos pontos de tensão, hoje, na nossa sociedade moderna, os eventos globais são interdependentes e interconectados. Portanto a distância física não vale mais. É primordial a compreensão das dinâmicas das …

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New Policy Brief #14 “Geopolitical Unfolding in Ukraine: Perspectives on the Return of Refugees and Internal Displacement” by Wiliam Lima Mendonça and Izan Araujo

“The conflict in Ukraine has culminated in large volumes of displacement of Ukrainians, which has been a survival strategy for those people. Given this context, the following reflection is important: What are the expectations of a possible return for Ukrainian refugees and internal displacement? These large volumes and different types of population displacement – refugees …

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New Policy Brief #13 ” Russia-Ukraine conflict: 2 years of undeclared war” by Antonio Celso Ribeiro Brasiliano and Décio Luís Schons

“To what extent do sanctions of all kinds, motivated by the clear violation of clauses in international agreements and treaties, have any effectiveness when the violating entity is a nuclear power? After the dismantling of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine became the world’s third largest nuclear power, with around 3,000 Soviet weapons”. (…)

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LabGRIMA and Brasiliano INTERISK Intelligence Risk sign an agreement in the area of Geopolitics and Risk Analysis

LabGRIMA and INTERISK Risk Intelligence sign an agreement in the area of Geopolitics and Risk Analysis.

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