Arquivo por tag: Middle West

Globo News: Charles Pennaforte analisa o Oriente Médio

Professor analisou o Oriente Médio, a necessidade de criação de um Estado Palestino e o papel dos EUA na região.

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New Policy Brief #03! Brazil and the United Arab Emirates: A Geoestrategic Partnership by Mateus Santos

The United Arab Emirates represents one of Brazil’s most important commercial partners in the Arab world.

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Novos ventos no Oriente Médio? A China e o restabelecimento de relações entre Arábia Saudita e Irã by Mateus Santos

O tema da vez no Oriente Médio é o restabelecimento de relações diplomáticas entre Riad e Teerã. Sob a mediação chinesa, antigos adversários regionais deram um relevante passo no intuito de uma possível estabilização do Golfo Pérsico, sendo possível aspirar consequências que atravessam as fronteiras dessa estratégica região petrolífera.

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[EXPERT OPINIONS] The projection of Turkish power in the eastern Mediterranean by Giuseppe Gagliano

The recent military conflict between Greece and Turkey over potential gas fields located in disputed waters is linked to a complex historical and political conflict between the two nations, so geographically close, but also culturally and politically distant.

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Brazil helped the US and Iran towards peace. Dialogue is the only answer

By Lula da Silva and Celso Amorim. As president and foreign minister, we always advocated peace. In war, all victories are pyrrhic ones The assassination of Qassem Suleimani by drone bombs, at the express request of the president of the United States, has thrown the Middle East – and the world – into the most …

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