“…The latest book by Charles Pennaforte, “Antisystemic Movements and International Relations – a theoretical perspective for the understanding of the World-System” (English edition, 2023), seeks to draw a panoramic view of the major issues in international relations through the analysis of World-Systems, theoretical approach elaborated among others by Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019) and Giovanni Arrighi (1937-2009).
In this work, Pennaforte approches the present actuality of the international system by analyzing the relative decline of the North-American primacy and the emergence of antisystemic poles led, for example, by China and Russia. The actions carried out by the Trump administration against China on the issue of 5G would reflect one of the signs of the US geopolitical, economic, and ideological decline.With the Foreword by Professor Amine Ait-Chaalal, researcher in the Centre d’études des crises et conflits internationaux (CECRI) at Université Catholique du Louvain (Belgium), this book by professor Pennaforte is particularly invigorating because it opens several fields of reflection, analysis, and questioning.

Publisher: Editora da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (EDUFPEL), 2023.
The book mobilizes a very dense bibliographic corpus and it is part of a school of thought on international relations that has produced high-level works.
This work allows to (re)discover authors whose analyses are somewhat less classical and traditional than those usually used in the study of international relations in the 21st century. In this regard, his book constitutes a solid, strong, and stimulating basis for debate, discussions, and reflections after reading it, it is up to each reader to extend and prolong these debates, discussions, and reflections…”
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