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Research Groups

Research Group Ideology and Speech Analysis

 The Research Group Ideology and Discourse Analysis are linked to the Postgraduate Program in Political Science of the Federal University of Pelotas. Its activities formally began in 2012, based on the main research underway entitled “Ideology and Political Parties in Brazil: a new classification methodology”. In addition to the main research, which mobilizes all members of the Research Group, other investigations, both at the institutional and extra-institutional levels, are carried out either in the undergraduate degree in Social Sciences or in postgraduate studies in Master and Doctorate courses in Political Science. The themes of each research range from the analysis of discourses aiming to know the ideology of different Brazilian political parties at the federal level, through the discursive analysis of movements of the so-called Brazilian New Right, to the study of populist political phenomena in Brazil, Latin America and in Europe.

Coordination: Bianca de Freitas Linhares and Daniel de Mendonça

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Global Political Theory Research Group

Coordination: Luciana Maria de Aragão Ballestrin

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Center for Research on Politics of Memory

The Center for Research on Politics of Memory – NUPPOME was created in the Directory of Research Groups at CNPq in May 2017, linked to the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Politics of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). In the second half of 2018, NUPPOME began to gain a foothold, bringing together in its team, besides the coordinator and undergraduate students in Social Sciences of UFPel who had already participated in research and teaching projects aligned to him, researchers of other Universities in the country and abroad. NUPPOME’s main objective is to carry out research and projects promoting debate and reflection on the memory policies that have been and are being created and implemented in countries that, like Brazil and its neighbors in the Southern Cone, have experienced authoritarian experiences such as dictatorships Security in the context of the Cold War.

Coordination: Carlos Artur Gallo

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International Policy and Management of Oceanic Space Research Group

Coordination: Etiene Villela Marroni and Eurico de Lima Figueiredo (UFF)

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REAGE – Representation, Activisms and Gender Research Group

Coordination: Rosangela Marione Schulz

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