Marco Mattavelli
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) – Switzerland
Tuesday, Aug. 28 – 13:40h – Malbec B

Marco Mattavelli
An introduction to Dataflow Programming: a unified approach to design complex HW/SW systems
The tutorial will introduce the needs for the confluence of two trends in digital system design. The first is that digital systems become increasingly complex assemblies of various kinds of hardware and software components, and at the same time many application areas, such as for instance communications, video and media processing, cryptography and others need to implement the stream-processing algorithm of ever-increasing complexity and diversity. Dataflow programming comprises a number of techniques for building streaming systems addressing both trends: dataflow programs are amenable to efficient implementation in hardware and software as well as combinations thereof, and their scalability and composability support the construction of highly complex real-world systems and their portability. The growing interest in stream computing and dataflow has recently led to the development of a variety of tools and languages providing means for effective high-level system design. The tutorial will give an introduction to the foundations of processing data streams, including some the basic theory, some example of design and optimization methodologies as well as report recent results and research trends in the field.
Speaker’s Biography:
Marco Mattavelli started his research activity at the ”Philips Research Laboratories” of Eindhoven in 1988 on a channel and source coding for optical recording, electronic photography and signal processing of HDTV. In 1991 he joined the ”Swiss Federal Institute of Technology” (EPFL) where he got his Ph.D. in 1996. He has been a chairman of a group of MPEG ISO/IEC standardization committee. For his work, he received the ISO/IEC Award in 1997 and 2003. He is currently leading the “Multimedia Architectures Research Group” at EPFL. His current major research activities include methodologies for specification and modeling of complex systems, architectures for video coding, high-speed image acquisition, and video processing systems, applications of combinatorial optimization to signal processing. He is the author of more than 150 publications and has served as invited editor for several conferences and scientific journals and currently associated editor of IEEE Signal Processing letters and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
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