Arquivo por tag: Geopolitics

New Policy Brief #21 “The War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Global Business: The Case of the Automotive Industry” by Izan Araujo

How is the War in Ukraine affecting global business, including the automotive industry? The conflict has impacted not only geopolitics but also the global economy, with its effects being felt in the operations of companies.

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Pesquisador do LabGRIMA oferece minicurso no VII Congresso de Iniciação Científica, organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação San Tiago Dantas

*Quais as implicações envolvendo a ampliação da influência dos BRICS no Mundo Árabe? O que representa tal iniciativa multilateral para dois dos principais antigos aliados estratégicos dos EUA na região?

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Canal LabGRIMA: PodCast #45 “De volta aos poder? O que esperar de Donald Trump”

O episódio #45 aborda a possível volta de Donald Trump ao poder.

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New Policy Brief #20 “Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Importance of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Joining BRICS Plus (2024)” by Mateus Santos.

What are the geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joining BRICS?

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CENEGRI celebra 20 anos de existência na UERJ

No próximo dia 11 de junho na UERJ

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