Arquivo por tag: China

How Not to Fight a Currency War

Branding China a “Currency Manipulator” Will Only Hurt the United States

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LabGRIMA Event: 1st Seminar of Contemporary Geopolitics and International Relations

The event will be sponsored by LabGRIMA/Federal University of Pelotas,Brazil.

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China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ is threat to US in Latin America – US commander

Beijing’s decision to extend its ambitious multitrillion-dollar trade initiative to Latin America creates “security vulnerabilities” for the United States, said the chief of the US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), Kurt Tidd

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Are America and China on a Collision Course?

The Center for the National Interest holds a discussion with Lt. Gen. Wallace Gregson, Kurt Campbell, and Michael Auslin on America’s future relationship with China.

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US-China Rivalry: A Battle Without Winners by Charles Pennforte

By Charles Pennaforte, LabGRIMA’s Coordinator. US President Donald Trump has said that since the Nixon administration, US presidential administrations have been negligent in failing to confront Beijing over China’s growing power as an exporter. If he’d had his way, America would have watched China’s economic rise passively, to the detriment of the country’s interests. Even …

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