Categoria: Notícias

Webinar: Cenários de Defesa no Brasil: Projetos, Investimentos e Riscos

Mais um Webinar promovido pelo LabGRIMA e o GeoMercosul com temas importantes da atualidade.

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Webinar LabGRIMA-GeoMercosul: o Espaço Sideral e a Geopolítica

Especialista analisa a disputa geopolítica no espaço sideral entre as grandes potências. Webinar ocorrerá no dia 26/06/20.

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Nosso Canal Spotify: Holanda rejeita acordo Mercosul-UE

Mais uma episódio do Canal LabGRIMA-GeoMercosul disponível!

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The quest for cyber sovereignty is dark and full of terrors

There now exists a broad consensus that the digital revolution, instead of bringing about a libertarian ‘techno-utopia’, has created or exacerbated asymmetries in terms of access to and control over data, information infrastructure, intellectual property, as well as financial and human capital. “Digital wealth”, as a 2018 UNCTAD report puts it, “is concentrated in the hands of …

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Why India is Australia’s economic and strategic imperative

While COVID-19 had delayed the Leaders’ Meeting between Prime Ministers Modi and Morrison until yesterday, it has only hastened the need for India and Australia to become much closer. The pandemic must not distract Australia from its imperative to significantly deepen its economic and strategic relationship with India.

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