Início do conteúdo

Atividades 2 e 3 de maio

        Na próxima quarta-feira, 02.05, 16h, estaremos dando as boas-vindas aos novos alunos do PPGMMat. Na oportunidade a doutoranda Fernanda Tumelero, ex-aluna do PPGMMat da primeira turma, fará uma pequena palestra sobre o que ela tem feito desde que concluiu o seu mestrado. Todos os ex-alunos do Programa foram avisados, e alguns estarão presentes e participando do bate-papo.

       Quinta-feira, 03.05, as 15h30, teremos a palestra do Dr. Armando Awruch. O tópico da palestra será – Simulação Numérica da Dispersão de Poluentes em Meios Urbanos ( Em anexo ). O professor estará conosco até o dia 04.05 a tarde.

A presença de todos nas atividades do PPG são de extrema importância.



Numerical simulation of pollutant dispersion in urban areas.

Prof. A. M. Awruch

           Pollutant dispersion analyses in urban areas are presented employing a model developed for numerical simulation of incompressible flows considering the effects of heat and mass transfer. Air pollution generated
by vehicles with internal combustion engines is one of the biggest problems that large cities are facing today. Therefore, the development of numerical techniques for evaluating and controlling the levels of pollutants is
essential to maintain the urban environment balance. In the central regions of large cities, the so-called street canyons represent the basic unit, where significant changes can be observed in the wind flow and pollutant dispersion as function of thermal conditions and the geometrical configuration of the canyons. An explicit scheme is adopted, where the spatial discretization is performed using the finite element method (FEM) with eight-node hexahedral elements, one-point quadrature and hourglass control techniques. The pressure field is explicitly obtained using the pseudo-compressibility hypothesis and the velocity and temperature fields are coupled by buoyancy forces according to the Boussinesq approximation. Large eddy simulation (LES) is used to analyze turbulent flows, where the sub-grid scales are modeled class. Applications involving isothermal and non-isothermal flows are reproduced in order to validate the numerical model presented here and isothermal pollutant dispersion problems are simulated considering different geometrical configurations represented by two and three-dimensional models in order to adequately characterize the conditions encountered in urban areas.

Publicado em 02/05/2018, na categoria Notícias.
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