Arquivo por tag: Geopolitics

[EXPERT OPINIONS] The Great Game in the Mediterranean by Giuseppe Gagliano

As we have repeatedly stressed, the discovery of large gas fields off the coast of Israel, Cyprus, Egypt and Lebanon, has meant that the Eastern Mediterranean plays an important role in the geopolitics of energy.

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The BRIC at 20: An assessment of the economic grouping’s two decades of existence by Jim O’Neill

November 2021 will mark the 20th anniversary of the BRIC acronym that I coined to capture the economic potential of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Many commentators will be revisiting the concept and assessing each country’s performance since 2001, so here are my own thoughts on the matter

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[EXPERT OPINIONS] The projection of Turkish power in the eastern Mediterranean by Giuseppe Gagliano

The recent military conflict between Greece and Turkey over potential gas fields located in disputed waters is linked to a complex historical and political conflict between the two nations, so geographically close, but also culturally and politically distant.

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[EXPERT OPINIONS] The energy power map: the role of straits, seas and oceans for global energy security by Giuseppe Gagliano

It is difficult to deny how from a geographical point of view world trade develops through the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Guinea, the North Sea, Alaska and the Caribbean. It is equally difficult to deny that the main hubs through which global trade transits are – as has been pointed out several times on …

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“Si nos metemos en una carrera armamentista, es más probable que vayamos a la quiebra”: veterano diplomático de EE.UU. explica las tensiones con China

Según Chas Freeman, no se trata de un enfrentamiento ideológico, sino de que el gigante asiático “amenaza la supremacía económica estadounidense”.

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