Arquivo por tag: Geopolitics

Coronavirus and the Collapse of the Liberal Order: Europe’s Fate Called Into Question

Massive restrictive measures related to the need to respond properly to the challenge of the pandemic spread of coronavirus infections is quite possibly the factor that was needed to recognise that the “liberal world order” has completely disintegrated.

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China, Italy, and Coronavirus: Geopolitics and Propaganda

In Italy, China is no longer thought of as the origin of COVID-19, but as a friend in a time of dire need. By Theresa Fallon

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The Coronavirus Could Reshape Global Order

China Is Maneuvering for International Leadership as the United States Falters By Kurt M. Campbell and Rush Doshi

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The Hybrid Twenties: How US-Iran Confrontation Is Changing the Balance of Power in the Middle East and in the World

By Dmitry Suslov.  Having attacked Baghdad airport and killing Qasem Soleimani, the United States has again proved to be an extremely unpredictable and irresponsible global player.

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Brazil helped the US and Iran towards peace. Dialogue is the only answer

By Lula da Silva and Celso Amorim. As president and foreign minister, we always advocated peace. In war, all victories are pyrrhic ones The assassination of Qassem Suleimani by drone bombs, at the express request of the president of the United States, has thrown the Middle East – and the world – into the most …

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