Arquivo por tag: Africa

Brasil-África: proposta de “prosperidade através do Atlântico” by Paulo Antônio Pereira Pinto

Renova-se a oportunidade de pensar a inserção internacional do Brasil. Pouca referência tem sido feita, a propósito, ao inevitável futuro nosso a ser compartilhado com a África.

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Russia Tries to Open African Front to Win in Ukraine

Africa’s history has been shaped by tumultuous events, including coup d’etats influenced by global power struggles between the USA and the Soviet Union.

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Níger era ‘último bastião ocidental’ na África subsaariana, agora sob influência russa, diz especialista

Conhecida rota de imigração ilegal para a Europa, país sofreu um golpe de Estado na quarta-feira, quando militares da Guarda Presidencial derrubaram o presidente eleito em 2021

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Russia-Africa: Critical Challenges, Refined Practical Approach

In the run-up to the forthcoming St. Petersburg African leaders’ summit, the Valdai Discussion Club held a brain-storming session with policy experts from Russia and Africa. The latest analytical report titled “Russia and Africa: An Audit of Relations” was also presented there.

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Russia is Looking for New Economic Partners—in Africa

Russia’s turn towards the Global South, including and especially Africa, may turn out to be one of the most defining legacies of the war in Ukraine. By Vuk Vuksanovic

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