Arquivos de 5 jul 2023

Emmanuel Todd: Now this is a conflict between the US and Russia

A well-known intellectual, French professor Emmanuel Todd delivered a lecture at the Institut Catholique de Vendée on the situation in Europe in connection with the war in Ukraine. The professor is known as the author of books about the Second World War and works on economics. He accuses EU politicians of organizing and creating the Ukrainian crisis.

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LabGRIMA promove Oficina de Produção de Textos

O Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq Geopolítica & Mercosul (GeoMercosul) e o Laboratório de Geopolítica, Relações Internacionais e Movimentos Antissistêmicos (LabGRIMA) promovem a Oficina de Produção de Textos

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