Arquivos de agosto 2023

A growing BRICS shows U.S. is losing the battle for the Global South

The three-day summit that began Tuesday in Johannesburg demonstrates how Washington has struggled to project influence throughout the vast, developing Global South, notes ‘Newsweek’.

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Os desafios da segurança na sociedade da informação por Mirele Kuhn

As disputas geopolíticas de controle do ciberespaço tem crescido, acentuando a ausência ou dificuldade de formular definições e normas universais, além da escassez de regulamentos e leis.

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Isolamento da Rússia no contexto da Guerra da Ucrânia: descompasso entre expectativas e realidade por Juan Ramirez

Após o início da guerra na Ucrânia, a Rússia enfrentou um dos maiores conjuntos de sanções já impostas contra uma grande potência, com os EUA liderando uma estratégia de isolamento contra Moscou apoiada pelas potências europeias.

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The second anti-colonial war in Africa

Without a doubt, the armed coup in Niger, and the previous events in Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as the ongoing processes in Chad, the Central African Republic and other African states can be considered the second anti-colonial war, stresses ‘Geopolitika’ review from Croatia.

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New Policy Brief #05: “The New Development Bank as a tool for international economic decentralization” by Charles Pennaforte

“How could the BRICS Bank be configured as an alternative to the traditional economic centralization in the West? The world is currently in the process of decline of the Systemic Cycle of Accumulation led by Washington. This way, we see anti-systemic action by several countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil.”. (…)

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