Arquivo por tag: Brazil

Café Geopolítico Edição Agosto 2024

Projeto de Extensão do Curso de Relações Internacionais UFPel abordou o tema ” As relações sino-americanas no possível governo Donald Trump”.

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I Seminário Internacional de Geopolítica, Direito e Defesa ocorreu na UERJ

“I Seminário Internacional de Geopolítica, Direito e Defesa” ocorreu no dia 12 de junho, nas dependências do Instituto de Geografia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).

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New Policy Brief #19 “Russian Strategies and Brazilian Potential in Africa” by Juan Ramirez

“What lessons can Brazil and its companies learn from Russia’s African strategy? The 1st Russia-Africa Summit (2019) highlighted Russia’s plans to establish a holistic approach to African countries. The increasing presence of Moscow on the continent, along with the success of the second summit in 2023, points to the effectiveness of its anti-systemic strategies. Brazil …

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New Policy Brief #18 “Brazil in Focus: Would It Be Prepared for Cyberattacks?” by Mirele Thurmer Kuhn

“What are the impacts of cyberattacks on critical infrastructures in Brazil? It is understood that critical infrastructures are composed of systems that provide essential services to society and act in the most diverse areas that structure the national order. It is necessary to identify protection failures and produce effective solutions to resist attacks, since Brazil …

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New Policy Brief #17 “France, the Amazon and the self-interested instrumentalization of the Brazilian environment” by Nairana Bones and Caio Auler

“Why does France’s mobilization of the environmental agenda in Brazil consist of a practice of greenwashing? Brazil and France have the environmental agenda as one of the main axes of cooperation in bilateral relations.

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