Arquivo por tag: Brazil

New! Working Paper #03 2024: Lula in Africa: Historical symptoms of rapprochement efforts by Mateus Santos

(…) “At the opening of the XXXVII Summit of the African Union, the Brazilian President’s speech reaffirmed his government’s interest in bringing Brazil and the African continent closer together by building joint solutions to the problems related to the current global crisis. English Editon/Edição em Português

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Working Paper # 01 2024 – Between History and Perspective: Lula’s Passage Through Egypt by Mateus Santos

The recent meeting between Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Egyptian President Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi has a double historical significance.

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New! Policy Brief Report 2023

“Throughout the year, our international analysts, who are researchers with backgrounds in various fields, have dedicated themselves to the in-depth study of these issues, providing an in-depth view of current challenges. (…) The relevance of the Policy Brief Report 2023 goes beyond the academic realm, as it also serves as a reliable guide for understanding …

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New Policy Brief # 09 “The Amazon Summit: An Emerging Dialogue” by Beatriz dos Santos Ferreira, Sariza Oliveira Ribeiro and Izan Araujo

New Policy Brief # 09 “The Amazon Summit: An Emerging Dialogue”!

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III Colóquio de Geopolítica e Conjuntura Internacional: inscrições abertas

Em sua terceira edição o III Colóquio conta com a participação de especialistas do Brasil e do exterior para a analisar a atual conjuntura internacional.

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