Arquivo por tag: Africa

Cultivating Economic Relations: Russia-Africa Economic Forum

Summitry between a major country and Africa have become fashionable in the 21st century. China, India, the EU and Japan all have such summits with the continent. Such events carry great political symbolism, they provide opportunities for business deals, and they also show the rest of the world the influence of the initiating country vis-à-vis its …

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Putin hosts major summit as Kremlin scrambles for Africa

President Vladimir Putin is hosting dozens of African leaders for the first Russia-Africa Summit, as Moscow seeks greater influence on a continent where the West and China have a firm foothold.

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How China is slowly expanding its power in Africa, one TV set at a time

In the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, Michael Nganga is watching a Chinese Kung Fu movie. His small home in Limuru village doesn’t have running water and its walls are made from corrugated metal.

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África despega: retrato de la nueva cara del continente

Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento

Existe otra África. Más allá de los titulares sobre guerras y refugiados. Un continente en movimiento. Que viaja, emprende, hace negocios y pocos conocen. Durante dos semanas, lo hemos sobrevolado para descubrir esta nueva cara. Ocho países, 12 vuelos y decenas de testimonios. Una crónica a vista de pájaro de un territorio muy lejos de los tópicos …

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