BRICS Should Avoid Becoming an anti-US Group

How do Indian experts see the role of BRICS in world politics and what do they think about current relations between Russia and India? Dattesh Parulekar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Latin American & International Studies, Goa University and Vice President, Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS), shares his thoughts on these issues.

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How Bangladesh Learned to Love the Belt and Road

Dhaka has largely avoided the major pitfalls of China’s initiative while embracing the gains.

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How China is slowly expanding its power in Africa, one TV set at a time

In the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, Michael Nganga is watching a Chinese Kung Fu movie. His small home in Limuru village doesn’t have running water and its walls are made from corrugated metal.

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General americano: China será principal desafio militar para EUA nos próximos 100 anos

O general norte-americano Mark Milley alertou que a China continuará sendo o principal obstáculo para as Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos durante um século.

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Rússia, China, Irã e Venezuela usarão criptomoedas para desafiar EUA, diz relatório

Os adversários geopolíticos dos EUA estão implantando a tecnologia blockchain para combater o poder financeiro americano, afirma o novo relatório da Fundação Americana para Defesa da Democracia (FDD).

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