Coordenador do LabGRIMA é entrevistado na BandNews

Sobre a visita do presidente Alberto Fernández ao Brasil. Charles Pennaforte é entrevistado na BandNews.

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Keeping America close, Russia down, and China far away: How Europeans navigate a competitive world

Russia’s war on Ukraine has shown European citizens that they live in a world of non-cooperation. But their cooperative foreign policy instincts are only slowly adapting to this new reality. By  Jana Puglierin and Pawel Zerka .

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Russia is Looking for New Economic Partners—in Africa

Russia’s turn towards the Global South, including and especially Africa, may turn out to be one of the most defining legacies of the war in Ukraine. By Vuk Vuksanovic

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‘Estamos vivendo um renascimento das relações entre Rússia e América Latina’, diz especialista

Nos últimos dois anos, registrou-se um ressurgimento das relações de Moscou com a região latino-americana, assegura a diretora do Comitê para a Cooperação Econômica da Rússia com a América Latina, Tatiana Mashkova, no âmbito do Fórum Econômico Internacional de São Petersburgo, onde participam 130 países.

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New Policy Brief #03! Brazil and the United Arab Emirates: A Geoestrategic Partnership by Mateus Santos

The United Arab Emirates represents one of Brazil’s most important commercial partners in the Arab world.

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