Início do conteúdo

The purpose of the Graduate and PhD. Program in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage is to prepare professionals from diverse academic disciplines for work in institutions in the public and private sectors as well as in Non-Governmental Organizations. The Program aims to develop professionals to work directly or indirectly with issues relating to Social Memory and Cultural Heritage as well as the many facets of the preservation and management of public memory. The Program also seeks to promote the self-esteem and well-being of the various communities researched by means of initiatives directed at the preservation of Social Memory and Cultural Heritage, involving research, education, protection, and intervention.

Areas of Concentration

Inter-Disciplinary Studies in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage are characterized by the integration of the concepts of Memory and Heritage and are expressed in this fashion: developing and carrying out research in the field of Memory and Heritage, enabling inter-disciplinary integration of the various academic fields represented in the formation and expertise of the faculty (Oral History, Urban Geography, Architecture, Restoration, Urbanism, Archaeology, Anthropology, Visual Art, Music, and Photography, etc.), exploring the interaction between material (Tangible Cultural Heritage) and immaterial (Intangible Cultural Heritage) cultures, as well as considering the linkages between cultural heritage and environmental heritage.

General Information

Master´s Degree

Number of credits: 28 credits

Duration: 24 months

Degree: M.A. in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage


Number of credits: 38 credits

Duration: 48 months

Degree: PhD. in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage


Profª. Drª. Daniele Baltz da Fonseca, PhD.



Bruno Cassel Neto



Rua Almirante Barroso, 1202

Pelotas (RS) Brazil

96010-260, Centro

Telephone: +55 (53) 3284 4309