EDITAL PÚBLICO DE SELEÇÃO DE BOLSISTA PÓS-DOUTORADO CAPES – Edital da CAPES n° 12/2022 – Família e Políticas Públicas no Brasil II RETIFICAÇÃO 01
EDITAL PÚBLICO DE SELEÇÃO DE BOLSISTA PÓS-DOUTORADO CAPES – Edital da CAPES n° 12/2022 – Família e Políticas Públicas no Brasil II RETIFICAÇÃO 01
Abstract We examined the feasibility, acceptability, and clinical potential of a smartphone-based Approach-Avoidance Modification Training (AAMT) that required users to deliberately display anger and positive emotions (AAMT-AP) to move (dys-)functional stress-related beliefs away from and towards themselves, respectively. The per protocol sample consisted of N = 30 participants randomized to an AAMT-AP condition, a swipe control condition, or an inactive control condition. Feasibility and acceptability of the intervention and study design were assessed directly and changes in clinical outcomes (perceived stress (primary outcome), dysfunctional beliefs, symptoms of depression, and emotion regulation skills) one week after intervention completion. The results indicated that AAMT-AP [...]
Abstract The factors driving excessive reassurance seeking in obsessive–compulsive disorder are incompletely understood. We investigated whether low memory confidence, which drives compulsive checking, may also lead to excessive reassurance seeking during a novel in vivo contamination-based task. Undergraduates (N = 91) completed a memory test and received sham positive or negative performance feedback. Participants then viewed a complicated cleaning video and completed a corresponding cleaning task whilst their reassurance seeking was covertly coded. Afterwards, participants rated their anxiety, confidence, and experimenter responsibility for task outcomes. The novel laboratory task induced high levels of reassurance seeking from participants (median = 5 reassurance requests). There was [...]
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to adapt the Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ) into Turkish. It also aims to examine the mediating role of affective styles between attachment styles and depression. The study was conducted on a total of three different samples (N1 = 261; N2 = 190; N3 = 263). The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the construct validity of the scale and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) was used to test the convergent validity. As a result of the CFA conducted in all three samples, the model was found to have adequate fit values. In the convergent validity, ASQ [...]
Abstract Two studies explored whether Hated Self and Inadequate Self forms of self-criticism demonstrate different relationships to self-critical rumination (SCR), metacognitive beliefs, decentering and psychopathology. In study 1, 137 community participants experiencing SCR completed an online questionnaire battery. Self-hate was associated with higher SCR, stronger positive and negative metabeliefs about SCR, higher psychopathology and nonreactivity to internal experiences. Effects of Inadequate Self on psychopathology were fully mediated by SCR whereas Hated Self exerted direct effects on psychopathology alongside indirect effects via SCR. Study 2 explored whether higher self-hate attenuated the ability to detach from SCR triggers. Twenty-three participants received a [...]
Abstract We previously found that rumination maintains obsessive–compulsive (OC) symptoms. Our goal was to explore the moderating roles of three characteristics in the immediate and intermediate effects of rumination on OC symptoms: trait rumination, severity of comorbid depressive symptoms, and the tendency to misinterpret the occurrence of unwanted intrusive thoughts as meaningful. We reanalyzed our previous study’s data and explored in a sample of 145 individuals diagnosed with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) whether any of the three characteristics moderated the observed immediate and intermediate effects of rumination on OC symptoms. Only the tendency to misinterpret unwanted intrusive thoughts moderated the immediate [...]
We are writing in response to two Letters to the Editor, both of which responded to our initial commentary, entitled “Clinical Research Trials of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in Adolescents aged 16 to 17 Years: Rationale Balanced With Caution.”1 We appreciate the thoughtful responses to our commentary, and we invite further dialogue about this important subject. Both commentaries emphasized the importance in engaging in thoughtful research approaches to ensure the safety of individuals whom are administered psychedelics. [...]
We read with great interest the commentary by Jeffrey and colleagues, “Clinical Research Trials of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in Adolescents aged 16 to 17 Years: Rationale Balanced With Caution.”1 We appreciate the efforts of the authors, the scholarship of this commentary, and the advocacy for research initiatives with psychedelic therapeutics such as psilocybin, lysergic acid (LSD) diethylamide, and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). We agree that there is a compelling rationale for timely, rigorous studies with adolescents as it is likely that these compounds have been and will be used in adolescents with therapeutic intent. [...]
We read with interest Jeffrey et al.’s Commentary encouraging clinical research using psychedelics for adolescents.1 Throughout their commentary, the authors operate under the general presupposition that psychedelics have demonstrated a favorable safety profile in adults, and therefore teenagers approaching an adult level of neurodevelopment can likely be safely treated with appropriate safeguards. While we concur that there is an urgent need for new psychopharmaceuticals for adolescents, we question this assumption of safety given increasing evidence of risks associated with psychedelics in adult trials. [...]
This meta-analysis aimed to robustly estimate differences in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms between children and adolescents with and without neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). [...]
Cultivating Behavioral Change in K–12 Students: Team-Based Intervention and Support Strategies outlines establishing a consistent and caring school in which students can thrive by focusing on behavior and skill building through a positive developmental approach to intervention in K–12 settings. The book exemplifies how to create boundaries that are appropriate to the comfort level of the teacher through engaging but predictable sequences to build trusting positive relationships between teachers and students. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 1, Page 53-63, January 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 1, Page 16-29, January 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 1, Page 30-40, January 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 1, Page 64-74, January 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 1, Page 75-84, January 2025. [...]