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Abstract Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a promising treatment option for binge eating disorder (BED). It addresses affective and behavioural patterns such as difficulties in emotional management (e.g., emotion dysregulation) and the loss of control in eating behaviours (e.g., emotional eating). However, conclusions drawn from the literature were identified to be largely confounded by the overgeneralisation of eating disorders (e.g., treating BED and bulimia nervosa as the same diagnosis) and the mix of different subtypes of DBT (e.g., group-based treatment; self-guided treatment). This review examined various treatment outcomes in individuals with BED. Ten eligible studies were identified in a systematic [...]
Abstract Individuals who ruminate are likely to exhibit behavioral inactivation. In this study, we explored this mechanism by focusing on the processing mode theory, which divides thought style into two modes: abstract and analytic thought (AAT) and concrete and experiential thought (CET). Based on the existing rumination theories, we focused on the difference in the effect of processing modes on behavioral activation according to the level of dysphoria. We conducted a one-year longitudinal survey with 1,030 Japanese adults at five measurement points. We measured processing modes and behavioral activations using questionnaires and analyzed within-person bidirectional associations using a random intercept [...]
Abstract Nearly everyone experiences some form of phobia-relevant fear—an excessive dread and inappropriate response to specific stimuli—at some point, either directly or indirectly, though not necessarily to the extent of a phobic disorder. This article presents a novel method for managing phobia-related fear using mixed reality (MR) application. Teaching phobia patients to recognize and manage their fear is crucial in therapy. Through MR, clients can experience scenarios linked to their phobia and see their responses. This training helps them cope better and allows for accurate fear assessment. The paper details creating the MR application “HoloPhoBye” for arachnophobia and ophidiophobia, compatible [...]
Abstract Earthquakes are considered one of the most life-threatening natural disasters. They can lead to a wide range of psychological distress and psychopathology across society; thus, individuals exposed to such disasters are at risk of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In recent years, numerous studies have examined the positive contributions of religion-integrated treatments to the recovery process. Based on this premise, the present study investigated whether the Religiously Adapted Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy program is effective in reducing post-traumatic stress symptoms in individuals affected by earthquakes. In this quasi-experimental study, 24 individuals with post-traumatic stress symptoms were divided [...]
Abstract Technology-based interventions have the potential to be effective in reducing peripartum depression and to increase the access to treatment. Previous systematic reviews focus on the efficacy of the interventions, giving little attention to the programs themselves. The aims of this review are to provide a comprehensive inventory of the program’s components and structure, to analyze their efficacy, and to offer general guidelines for interventions development. A systematic search was conducted in five databases and reported using PRISMA guidelines. An in-depth synthesis and analysis was performed globally as well as on each intervention program. Eighteen reports were included covering 11 [...]
Traumatic experiences related to one’s racial identity, common among Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in the US and other places, have not been well conceptualized in relation to psychiatric disorders. In recent years, the definition of trauma exposure has evolved to go beyond a single exposure and to incorporate complex traumatic experiences into the conceptualization and treatment of mental illness. This change is reflected in the creation of clinical diagnoses like Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), and the proposed Developmental trauma disorder (DTD). [...]
When I was 5 years old, I was going to be a paleontologist when I grew up. Once I explained exactly what a paleontologist was to my family, I let them know that I had learned about it while watching an episode of Reading Rainbow that had featured a book about it. And the next time my dad and I went to the library on our weekly visits, I immediately found the book and checked it out (the first of many times). [...]
My son, Elliot, was born on June 3, 2024. Becoming a mother, watching my husband become a father, and welcoming our baby into the world was a wondrous experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. During my pregnancy, one of the most precious thoughts I had for the future was sharing my love for reading with Elliot. He’s now a healthy, thriving 8-month-old, and I can confirm that we love sitting on the rocking chair in the nursery to read Baby Beluga by Raffi. We also love to sing along with Raffi’s clear and magical voice as we read! The [...]
Perhaps the only book our family has read as much (or more!) than Goodnight, Moon, the book Little Witch Hazel: A Year in the Forest, by Phoebe Wahl, was an immediate and sustained bedtime favorite. This beautifully illustrated book features 4 seasonal vignettes of a little fairy's woodsy adventures. [...]
The village is made up of various members of the community: the town’s crier or spokesperson, the governing council, the constituents, the gossipers, the children, and the families. The members of the village think and behave differently, but when one of their members goes missing typically, they unite to find that person. In May 2024, one of the familiar faces of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) village is missing: the soft-spoken yet loud in character and strength, Dr. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 279-288, March 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 289-300, March 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 301-310, March 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 322-332, March 2025. [...]
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 66, Issue 3, Page 333-349, March 2025. [...]