Arquivo por tag: US-China Rivalry

Webinar Series: A América Latina Frente a Disputa EUA-China

Mais um Webinar promovido pelo LabGRIMA e o GeoMercosul com temas importantes da atualidade.

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How Hegemony Ends – The Unraveling of American Power

Multiple signs point to a crisis in global order. The uncoordinated international response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting economic downturns, the resurgence of nationalist politics, and the hardening of state borders all seem to herald the emergence of a less cooperative and more fragile international system.

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The Coronavirus Could Reshape Global Order

China Is Maneuvering for International Leadership as the United States Falters By Kurt M. Campbell and Rush Doshi

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How Not to Fight a Currency War

Branding China a “Currency Manipulator” Will Only Hurt the United States

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