Arquivo por tag: Ukraine

New Policy Brief #14 “Geopolitical Unfolding in Ukraine: Perspectives on the Return of Refugees and Internal Displacement” by Wiliam Lima Mendonça and Izan Araujo

“The conflict in Ukraine has culminated in large volumes of displacement of Ukrainians, which has been a survival strategy for those people. Given this context, the following reflection is important: What are the expectations of a possible return for Ukrainian refugees and internal displacement? These large volumes and different types of population displacement – refugees …

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New Policy Brief #13 ” Russia-Ukraine conflict: 2 years of undeclared war” by Antonio Celso Ribeiro Brasiliano and Décio Luís Schons

“To what extent do sanctions of all kinds, motivated by the clear violation of clauses in international agreements and treaties, have any effectiveness when the violating entity is a nuclear power? After the dismantling of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine became the world’s third largest nuclear power, with around 3,000 Soviet weapons”. (…)

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Russia Tries to Open African Front to Win in Ukraine

Africa’s history has been shaped by tumultuous events, including coup d’etats influenced by global power struggles between the USA and the Soviet Union.

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Ukraine war: A new multipolar world is emerging by Charles Pennaforte (Modern Diplomacy)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 is undoubtedly one of the biggest geopolitical conflicts of the 21st century to date.

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Lula acerta ao não enviar munições à Ucrânia e contrariar Alemanha, diz analista

O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva recebe o chanceler alemão, Olaf Scholz, em Brasília na próxima segunda-feira (30), em encontro que ocorre dias após o governo brasileiro se negar a atender um pedido de Berlim para envio de munições à Ucrânia. Especialista ouvido pela Sputnik Brasil acredita que país acerta ao não se envolver …

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