Arquivo por tag: Geopolitics

New! Policy Brief Report 2023

“Throughout the year, our international analysts, who are researchers with backgrounds in various fields, have dedicated themselves to the in-depth study of these issues, providing an in-depth view of current challenges. (…) The relevance of the Policy Brief Report 2023 goes beyond the academic realm, as it also serves as a reliable guide for understanding …

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Sputnik News |’Líder natural’: para analistas, mediar questão de Essequibo fortalece influência regional do Brasil [Charles Pennaforte]

Em entrevista à Sputnik Brasil, especialistas em relações internacionais destacam que imbróglio expõe a posição do Brasil como líder indispensável na América do Sul e contribui para a agenda de Lula de empoderamento regional.

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New Policy Brief # 09 “The Amazon Summit: An Emerging Dialogue” by Beatriz dos Santos Ferreira, Sariza Oliveira Ribeiro and Izan Araujo

New Policy Brief # 09 “The Amazon Summit: An Emerging Dialogue”!

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Europe’s Social fabrics challenged – From Palestine to the Baltic States’ Human Rights by Júlia Costa de Araújo

Our contemporary world is in a state of turmoil amid the rapidly changing political picture of the globe.

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Of Indivisibility and Mutually Assured Security by Lily Ong

With military flaps decorated in stripes and stars, the entourage of local and foreign top-ranking officials that descended upon the Moscow Conference on International Security at the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Centre seemed little disturbed by the sporadic drones entering Russian territory.

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