While COVID-19 had delayed the Leaders’ Meeting between Prime Ministers Modi and Morrison until yesterday, it has only hastened the need for India and Australia to become much closer. The pandemic must not distract Australia from its imperative to significantly deepen its economic and strategic relationship with India.
Arquivo por tag: Geopolitics
Webinar LAbGRIMA-GeoMercosul
LabGRIMA e o GeoMercosul fizeram uma série de webinars abordando importantes temas da atualidade.
LabGRIMA launches its #1 Working Papers
It is with great satisfaction that LabGRIMA and GeoMercosur offer to the academic comunity and the general public a reflection about the themes related to our research lines.
Coronavirus and the Collapse of the Liberal Order: Europe’s Fate Called Into Question
Massive restrictive measures related to the need to respond properly to the challenge of the pandemic spread of coronavirus infections is quite possibly the factor that was needed to recognise that the “liberal world order” has completely disintegrated.
China, Italy, and Coronavirus: Geopolitics and Propaganda
In Italy, China is no longer thought of as the origin of COVID-19, but as a friend in a time of dire need. By Theresa Fallon