Arquivo por tag: Geopolitics

Brick By Brick, BRICS Now a New Bridge for a New World

Measuring BRICS in single decades, in 2001, BRIC started as an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, and China; Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill claimed that by 2050 the four BRIC economies would come to dominate the global economy.

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New! Policy Brief #2: Conflict in Ukraine must continue its impacts on the European economy by Charles Pennaforte

(…) “The United States is the most beneficiary economically regarding sanctions against Moscow than its European partners for its reduced dependency on Russian energy provision.

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Novo episódio no ar! Podcast LabGRIMA: A submissão da União Europeia aos interesses da OTAN

O episódio #40 faz uma análise do papel da política externa da União Europeia como um apêndice dos interesses estadunidenses.

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Le Monde Diplomatique br – Guerra da Ucrânia: um novo mundo multipolar está surgindo por Charles Pennaforte

O embate entre Otan e a Rússia trará como efeito uma reordenação permanente no jogo das correlações de forças geopolíticas no século XXI

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Policy Brief: Geopolitical Implications of the US-China Trade War in Mexico

The Policy Brief is produced in partnership with the International Institute of Geopolitics and Strategic Intelligence (IIGSI/USA) and the Centre for Geopolitics and Foreign Affairs Studies (CENEGRI).

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