O LabGRIMA marcou presença no II Encontro de Pesquisa de Relações Internacionais (II EPRI) em Sta. Vitória do Palmar.
Arquivo por tag: Geopolítica
LabGRIMA’s Event: I Seminar of Contemporay Geopolitics and International Relations
On September 26th GeoMercosur and the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Anti-Systemic Movements (LabGRIMA) promoted the I Seminar of Contemporary Geopolitics and International Relations.
Delusions About Russia
Russia is a dangerous adversary. But treating it as an outright enemy could result in a self-fulfilling prophecy, triggering mortal threats to its neighbors which otherwise may not be in the cards.
BRICS Should Avoid Becoming an anti-US Group
How do Indian experts see the role of BRICS in world politics and what do they think about current relations between Russia and India? Dattesh Parulekar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Latin American & International Studies, Goa University and Vice President, Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS), shares his thoughts on these issues.
General americano: China será principal desafio militar para EUA nos próximos 100 anos
O general norte-americano Mark Milley alertou que a China continuará sendo o principal obstáculo para as Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos durante um século.