Categoria: Notícias

New! Policy Brief Report 2023

“Throughout the year, our international analysts, who are researchers with backgrounds in various fields, have dedicated themselves to the in-depth study of these issues, providing an in-depth view of current challenges. (…) The relevance of the Policy Brief Report 2023 goes beyond the academic realm, as it also serves as a reliable guide for understanding …

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Sputnik News |’Líder natural’: para analistas, mediar questão de Essequibo fortalece influência regional do Brasil [Charles Pennaforte]

Em entrevista à Sputnik Brasil, especialistas em relações internacionais destacam que imbróglio expõe a posição do Brasil como líder indispensável na América do Sul e contribui para a agenda de Lula de empoderamento regional.

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New Policy Brief #10 “The global drone market and its impacts on Agriculture 4.0” by Diego Vinicius Martins

“How can agribusiness maintain food production with quality and low costs? The global drone’s market in agriculture alone is projected to grow to $5.89 billion by 2030 (Allied Market Research). These devices, also known as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, in English) have emerged as essential tools to ensure a stable food source.

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(Promise of) The AI: Multilateralism as an answer to the dual use Technology by Anis H. Bajrektarevic

The international community should rather energetically and urgently work on a new social contract to tackle new technologies and their disruptive potentials. It is particularly related to artificial intelligence (AI) that must be deployed safely and in conformity with a globally shared ethical standard.

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New Policy Brief # 09 “The Amazon Summit: An Emerging Dialogue” by Beatriz dos Santos Ferreira, Sariza Oliveira Ribeiro and Izan Araujo

New Policy Brief # 09 “The Amazon Summit: An Emerging Dialogue”!

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