Categoria: LabGRIMA Expert

Cyber insecurity, cryptocurrencies and losses: learn more about blockchain bridges and the consequences of the lack of encryption

By Rafael Penning, undergraduate of the Course of International Relations of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL). Member of LabGRIMA.

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Insegurança cibernética, criptomoedas e perdas: conheça mais sobre as pontes blockchain e as consequências da falta de criptografia

Análise de Rafael Penning, discente bolsista PIBIC/CNPq do curso de Relações Internacionais da UFPEL e membro do LabGRIMA.  Projeto O Discente e Análise da Realidade Internacional.

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Hipocrisia com o Brasil? UE suspende discurso ‘verde’ e agora faz ‘economia de guerra’ com carvão

A Sputnik Brasil conversou com especialistas em relações internacionais sobre a crise energética na Europa após o corte de fontes russas. Eles explicam o debate moral sobre o meio ambiente e o “desespero” europeu em um “cenário de beligerância” fomentado pelos EUA.

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Brazil: Quo Vadis? Change of Direction or Maintaining International Isolation? By Charles Pennaforte [Valdai Club]

What can Brazil and the international community expect from the outcome of its presidential election? There is a widespread consensus both in Brazil and abroad that Brazil has suffered great wear in its international image.

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The traditional “Third Position” of Peronism is the key for international cooperation during these challenging times by Alejandro Karlen

The Third Position as Foreign Policy of Argentina, performed in the three governments of President Juan Domingo Perón, was the best expression of Argentine diplomacy of autonomy, regional partnership and Non-Alignment, founded on a long national tradition.

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