New Policy Brief #03! Brazil and the United Arab Emirates: A Geoestrategic Partnership by Mateus Santos

The United Arab Emirates represents one of Brazil’s most important commercial partners in the Arab world.

“What does President Lula’s recent trip to the United Arab Emirates represent for Brazil? The relations between the two states have acquired multidimensional importance. Amidst a framework of systemic instability, the country has become one of the key players in Brazil’s trade relations with the Middle East, while also establishing itself as an investment hub in various sectors such as transportation, energy, and sports. Furthermore, these relations assume a geopolitical character”.

🔻 The author: Mateus Santos is a Ph.D. candidate in History at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL, Brazil) and a research member of the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations, and Antisystemic Movements (LABGRIMA).

🔳 The Policy Brief is produced in partnership with the International Institute of Geopolitics and Strategic Intelligence (IIGSI/USA), the Centre for Geopolitics and Foreign Affairs Studies (CENEGRI) and the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemics Movements (LabGRIMA/Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil).

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