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The PPGO works in two areas of concentration and several training emphases. It has approximately 30 teachers and more than 100 students who develop laboratory and clinical activities in several lines of research, generating evidence that contributes significantly to the development of the science and practice of national and international dentistry. In addition to dentists, the program has doctoral students who have other undergraduate degrees and develop activities in line with the research lines of the program.

The curricular structure of the Masters and PhD levels has been recently reformulated in order to bring the research activities carried out in the program closer to the postgraduate training needs. The selective processes for the Masters level occur at the end of even years, while selections for the Doctoral level are annual. There is also room for post-doctoral internships in the program.

The program has approximately 30 scholarships funded by federal agencies such as CAPES and CNPq, as well as international scholarships linked to specific cooperation projects. The program participates in cooperation projects with several national and foreign institutions. Several graduates of the program were awarded important national and international awards. More information about the program can be found in the PPGO Rules.

If you are interested in being part of the program or have any questions, write to us:

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