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Resultado final – Processo seletivo! Call for applications for regular international students – Admission to master’s and doctorate degrees (2023/1)

We emphasize that the Graduate Program in Biotechnology is recommended by CAPES with a score of 7 (the highest possible), approved by the CNE (Port. MEC 609, of 03/14/2019, DOU 03/18/2019, sec. 1, p. 79).

An international candidate is one who has another nationality, in other words, is not Brazilian.


Applications for the Selection Process of the Graduate Program in Biotechnology (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) will be open from January 02, 2023, to January 25, 2023, exclusively online through the e-mail 

Acess plubic call

Publicado em 13/02/2023, na categoria Divulgação.