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[ENG] 11th edition of the International Seminar on Higher Education

UFPel hosted the 11th edition of the International Seminar on Higher Education, which addressed the theme of university pedagogical practices in face of emerging scenarios. The event brought together both national and international institutions and was attended by Argentine speakers. The meeting also intended to discuss which impacts can be observed in pedagogical practices, which actions of knowledge production have been established in the new academic-organizational modalities of HEIs and which research collaboration networks are being created to expand internationalization.


Informamos que está suspensa a retirada de documentação referente ao Edital de bolsas para mobilidade internacional.

[ENG] Spanish and Italian Professors Give Seminar at UFPel

Last August, the Graduate Program in Sociology and Political Science of the Federal University of Pelotas held the seminar Discussing Modernity Today: Discourses, Inequalities and Emotions. Professors Juan Antonio Roche Cárcel and Maria del Carmen Marimón Llorca from the University of Alicante addressed current modernity issues such as the ideological discourse of language, love and inequality, creativity, and social and cultural contradictions in modernity.

Also happening last August, the Graduate Program in Chemistry at UFPel held the seminar Changing Paradigm for Organoselenium Compounds in Medicinal Chemistry, taught by Professor Claudio Santi, from the University of Perugia.

Bolsa estudantil para atuação no Programa Idiomas sem Fronteiras

A pedido da prof.ª Letícia Stander Farias, a CRInter divulga oportunidade de bolsa para atuação no Programa Idiomas sem Fronteiras. DÚVIDAS SOBRE O EDITAL devem ser direcionadas ao IsF, pela página oficial do Programa no Facebook ( ou presencialmente na sede do IsF (Rua Lobo da Costa, 585, sala 303).

Edital Bolsas IsF 2018

[ENG] UFPel is Selected as a Recipient for CAPES Internationalization Program

The Federal University of Pelotas was one of the 25 Brazilian universities awarded by Capes Call “Institutional Projects for Internationalization” (PrInt). Designed to develop and implement the internationalization of the areas of knowledge chosen by the selected institutions, PrInt seeks to stimulate the formation of international research networks. The University will receive a funding of R$ 16 million to be used in four years, so as to promote internationalization actions in its graduate programs. Changes were also announced in the Doctoral Sandwich Program Abroad (PDSE), in which overseas sandwich doctorate scholarships will no longer be offered per program, but by the university awarded by PrInt. These changes should reflect an improvement in the quality of research and graduate studies at UFPel.

[ENG] UFPel Professor Earns a Degree from the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

UFPel professor and scientist Tiago Veiras Collares has become affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) in the area of ​​Biomedical Sciences. A biologist, veterinarian and biotechnologist, Tiago works at UFPel with in vitro cell sorting experiments that can aid in the fight against cancer. His diploma was awarded after the presentation of the paper “Pre-clinical trials in cancer: research and development of robust biological models and alternative screening methods” at the Symposium and Graduation of New Affiliate Members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, held last 14 August at UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). According to Tiago, becoming an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences is undoubtedly the greatest recognition that a young researcher can receive in Brazil today.


Resultado Edital Nº. 13/2018 – Bolsas para a mobilidade internacional

A CRInter divulga o resultado da seleção de bolsas do edital Nº. 13/2018. Em relação às bolsas para o IPB, seis candidatos foram pré-selecionados pela maior média, sendo a maior nota 8,8 e a menor nota selecionada 7,6. Para a UDCA, os dois estudantes inscritos foram pré-selecionados. Por fim, no que diz respeito às bolsas para o programa Ibero-Americanas do Santander Universidades, 18 estudantes foram pré-selecionados, sendo 9,7 a média mais alta e 9,0 a média mais baixa (observando que quatro candidatos empataram com nota 9,0). De acordo com o edital, o período para recurso durará 24h a partir do momento da publicação do resultado e o período para retirada dos documentos de candidatura se estenderá até o dia 17 de setembro de 2018.

Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales

  1. Maidana da Silva Idiarte

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

  1. Camila Bergamo
  2. Caroline Dias Eifler

Ibero-Americanas Santander Universidades

  1. Mariana dos Santos H. da Silva
  2. Guilherme Susin Sirtoli
  3. Kevin Veloso Almeida
  4. Maria Laura M. Fernandez
  5. Aline R. de Jesus Mota

[ENG] ‘For Women in Science’ award announces 2018 winners

An award that promotes gender equality in the scientific environment by recognizing initiatives of female scientists had a record number of applications this year. The 13th edition of the ‘For Women in Science’, a program developed by L’Oréal Brazil in partnership with UNESCO and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), had 524 projects submitted in its 2018 edition, presenting a 34% increase in relation to the previous year. Scientists were awarded in four categories: Life Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, and each winner received a grant of R$ 50,000. Ethel Wilhelm, an UFPel professor from the Graduate Program in Biochemistry and Bioprospecting, was one of the winners in the category Life Sciences. Her research deals with effective ways to ease the side effects of chemotherapy among the elderly.

Edital CRInter Nº. 13/2018 – inscrições homologadas

Conforme cronograma do Edital CRInter Nº. 13/2018, a CRInter informa as inscrições homologadas conforme lista abaixo. A banca para avaliação das candidaturas está marcada para o dia 15 de agosto. Os resultados finais, portanto, serão publicados no site da CRInter a partir desta data. A retirada dos documentos dos não-selecionados poderá ser feita de 17 de agosto a 17 de setembro; após este período todos os documentos serão descartados, inclusive os originais.

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

  1. Camila Bergamo
  2. Caroline Dias Eifler
  3. Eduarda Silveira Gomes
  4. Felipe Camargo Gruendemann
  5. Gustavo Borges Lima
  6. Izadora Peter Furtado
  7. Josiane Estela Roloff
  8. Vagner Lemos Borges

Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales

  1. Bruno Elias Marredo Constantinopolos
  2. Maidana da Silva Idiarte

Ibero-Americanas Santander Universidades

  1. Aline Regiane de Jesus Mota
  2. Amanda Silva Hecktheuer
  3. Ângela Luísa Schwartz
  4. Bruno Kneip Kratz
  5. Camila Barboza Castro
  6. Caroline de Oliveira Pradel Bond
  7. Daiane Philippsen Maders
  8. Daniela de Borba Fernandes
  9. Daniele da Silva Proença
  10. Elisa Elias Cabete
  11. Emmanuelle Schiavon Melgarejo
  12. Erivelton de Lima da Cruz
  13. Gabriel Alvariz Lopes
  14. Gabriela Noremberg Pinto
  15. Geiselaine Pereira Dias
  16. Giovana Borges Peres
  17. Giuliana de Avila Ferronato
  18. Guilherme Susin Sirtoli
  19. Henrique Albrecht Pellegrini
  20. Jessica Cunha Macedo
  21. Juliana Iost Damasceno
  22. Ketrin Cristina Gabriel
  23. Kevin Veloso Almeida
  24. Larissa Menezes Lopes Quintana
  25. Lauren Buss Raffi
  26. Leandro Freitas Pereira
  27. Leonardo Santos da Rosa
  28. Lucas de Alvarenga Furtado
  29. Lúcio Guimarães Moscareli
  30. Luís Felipe Ecker Pchara
  31. Luísa Gabriela Heck
  32. Luísa Victória da Silva Vareira
  33. Marcelene Souza Duarte
  34. Marcely Echeverria Oliveira
  35. Maria Laura Maciel Fernandez
  36. Mariana dos Santos Hallal da Silva
  37. Marina Uliana Trentin
  38. Marlon Heitor Kunst Valentini
  39. Martina Martins Pereira
  40. Mateus Brum de Armas
  41. Mozart Matheus de Andrade Carvalho
  42. Munir Saleh Silva
  43. Nathália Fontella Sturbelle
  44. Nathaly Silva Nalerio Gomes
  45. Patrícia Medronha Soares
  46. Raphael Henrique do Rosário Gonçalves
  47. Raquel Romeiro Alves
  48. Renata Caetano Pereira
  49. Roberta Bezerra da Silva
  50. Rômulo Ruan Velho Guedes
  51. Stefani Curth Goulart
  52. Tainá Guillante
  53. Thainá Vieira Holz
  54. Thais Meus Vogt
  55. Thais Vieira Eller
  56. Thiago Czermainski Gonçalves Alves

Retificação nº 2 do Edital de bolsas para mobilidade internacional

Informamos a retificação do edital de bolsas para mobilidade internacional.

Confira no link: Edital nº. 16/2018 – Retificador

[ENG] A day to mark Latin American and Caribbean black women’s struggle

They are less than 5% of the student body in the onsite undergraduate programs, just over 3% in distance education programs, and nearly 1% attending graduate school. These are the figures that size the presence of black students at UFPel. July 25 was the date chosen to honor the struggle of Latin American and Caribbean black women. For this reason, from July 26 to 27, the seminar “Discussing July 25, what do I have to do with it?” was held at UFPel and promoted by the Center for Affirmative Actions, the Center for Gender Issues and the Office for Inclusion and Diversity. The event focused on five paramount themes related to women: education, violence against women, women’s mental health, black icons, and entrepreneurship.