Abertas inscrições para Doutorado em Ergonomia, Segurança e Higiene Ocupacional na Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Que tal fazer seu doutorado em uma grande universidade européia na área de Ergonomia, Segurança e Higiene Ocupacional?
Leia atentamente o texto abaixo e confira.


Applications are open from 25 August to 5 September for the academic year 2014/2015 (starting in the September/October 2014).
The Doctoral Program in Industrial and Systems Engineering (DPISE) was designed and structured in order to provide advanced higher education by promoting high quality research in the areas of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
Additional information
PhD program info: http://dpise.dps.uminho.pt.
Applications submission (only after the 25th Aug): http://candidaturas.eng.uminho.pt/ccientifico/public/
Applicants are requested to hold a master degree or any legal equivalent degree (national or international). A graduation (in Portuguese “Licenciatura”) may be allowed as long as the applicant curriculum proves to have enough professional or scientific capacity to complete the doctoral program.
The DPISE is expected to run for 6 semesters (3 years) and involve a total of 180 ECTS (30 ECTS/semester), organized in a two-step procedure. The first step is an academic part, called doctoral degree, which involves 11 courses and a total of 60 ECTS. The second step is the PhD thesis running for 4 semesters, which corresponds to 120 ECTS.
Although the value of the fees is defined every year by the Rector, but for information it can be referred that the fee value for the academic year 2013/2014 was around 3700 USD/year.
Human Engineering specialisation area
The course has several specialisation domains, being one of them the domain of Human Engineering, that includes the research works on the domains of Ergonomics, and Health & Safety. Examples of theses in this specific domain include the following:
> Model proposal for the evaluation and improvement actions in the Occupational Health and Safety Management
> The influence of occupational exposure to vehicles whole-body vibration in the worker’s visual and cognitive performance
> Analysis of the ergonomics conditions at the classrooms in the first cycle of education
> ETdA : Ergonomic Tridimensional Analysis for common areas with circulation of people
> Musculoskeletal Disorders in Providing Healthcare at Patients’ Home: risk assessment and construction of statistical models for forecasting,
> Cost Benefit Analysis on Occupational Health and Safety domain
> Integrated management systems: A model proposal to maturity assessment.
> Development of a model for occupational risk acceptance criteria definition in industrial settings.
The research in this specific area is to be developed within the Human Engineering group (see more about the research group activity at the group’s blog: http://www.2ieh.wordpress.com).