Nilda Roma Burgos


Phone: 479-575-3984

Education: Ph.D., University of Arkansas, 1997 - Resume

Field: Professor, University of Arkansas, Weed Physiology, July 2010 to present


Weed Resistance to Herbicides - ecology, biology, physiology (resistance mechanisms), population genetics, genomics

    • Amaranthus palmeri
    • Echinochloa species
    • Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum
    • Sorghum halepense
    • Fimbristylis miliacea

Fitness of resistant weeds

Weedy rice and rice interaction - gene flow, ecological adaptation; resistance evolution, population genetics 

    • Volunteer rice management 
    • Seed longevity in soil

Sweet sorghum - Weed management and production practices

Weed management, crop rotation options, varietal tolerance to herbicides of edamame soybean

Specialty_Crops_p95-97_Nilda_Roma_Burgos(final).pdf   Herbicide-resistant ryegrass in the southern U.S

Herbicide options for specialty crops other than edamame soybean - cowpea, spinach, southern greens (collard, kale, mustard, turnip greens); cabbage, cauli flower, snapbeans; tomato; cucurbits; sweet potato; etc.  This is under the auspices of the IR-4 program.

