Plant Pathology Infrastructure
1 – Plant-Pathogen Interaction Laboratory
Inaugurated in 2012, the laboratory, with a floor area of 50m2, has gone through the necessary remodeling for its operation. Through REUNI’s project, the laboratory received the following equipment: Magnetic stirrer with heating; Analytical and Semi-Analytical scales; Water Bath; Ultrasonic Bath; Heating Mantle; pH Meter, Biological Microscope and Ultra-Freezer, besides the remaining structure constituted of counters, means preparing room and study room to be used by graduate and undergraduate students. Other improvements are being made through CNPq approved project (Universal, Edital 14/2012), in the sum of R$ 23.000,00. In 2013 the laboratory had the global contribution of R$ 50.500,00 in equipments: magnetic stirrer, vacuum pump, nitrogen cylinder, gas exhaustion chapel, microprocessed centrifuge, refrigerated centrifuge, conductivity meter, water deionizer, drying oven, refrigerator, reverse osmosis, ultra-freezer and vortex.
2 – Plant Virology Laboratory
Inaugurated in 2011, the laboratory is installed and in equipment acquisition phase, but already has the structure needed for the development of research in the plant virology field. Highlighting the following acquired equipments: Vertical Ultra-Frezzer model IULT 335D (-80ºC), Ice machine with ice deposit which are fundamental in the molecular field activities, micro pipette set, Water bath, glassware, 2 split air conditioning unit.
Since 2012 the laboratory counts with a Spectrophotometer UV/Visível Ultrospec 2100 Pro, in the value of R$ 23.851,85, acquired through Redes Nacionais de pesquisa em Agrobiodiversidade e Sustentabilidade Agropecuária (REPENSA) from CNPQ/FAPERGS notice.
3) Bacteriology Laboratory
Inaugurated in 2011, with 60m2, 5 binocular microscopes, 5 sterioscopic binocular microscope, a high rotation centrifuge with exchangeable rotors, a high speed refrigerated centrifuge with exchangeable rotors, a ELISA plate reader, a ELISA plate washer, a colony counting system, 2 laminar flow cabinets, 6 refrigerators, 2 freezers, a BOD, 2 bacteriological oven, a vertical autoclave, a sterilization oven, a analytical scale, a precision scale, a vacuum pump and compressor, magnetic stirrer with heating, 2 vortex stirrers, a visible spectrophotometer, a fluorescence observing chamber, a orbital agitation incubator, 2 water baths, 2 dissectors, a freeze-dryer, a thermal cycler, a horizontal electrophoresis system, a gas exhaustion chamber, a distiller besides a thermal cycler T100 BioRad acquired in 2012. There was also a remodeling with readjustment of the laboratory espace e the adding of a room for the post-doctoral and visiting professors.
In 2012 projects were approved with FAPERGS (Pesquisador Gaucho Edital 04/2012) and CAPES/CNPq (Universal, Edital 14/2012), in the amount of R$34.420,00, of which R$23.500,00 and R$10.920,00 coming from each office, respectively. In 2013 a centrifuge with rotor for 1,5/2,0 mL micro tubes and 15 and 50 mL conic tubes was acquired (R$ 42.011,00).
4) Plant Pathology Didactic Laboratory
With 80 m2, 35 binocular microscopes, 35 sterioscopic binocular microscope, laminar airflow cabinet, microtome, 2 refrigerators, 1 freezer, 5 BOD´s, water distiller, horizontal autoclave, precision scale, water deionizer, vacuum pump and compressor, 2 sterilization ovens, dry cabinet for optical equipment storage, counters and chairs for 45 students, computer, câmara seca para armazenamento do equipamento ótico, balcões e cadeiras para 45 alunos, computador, datashow, split air conditioning unit, vhs player and a television.
5) Nematology Laboratory
With 21 m2, 5 binocular microscopes, 5 sterioscopic binocular microscope, centrifuges, soil sample nematode extraction installation, counters and air conditioning unit. In 2017 the laboratory received new painting and structural renovations.
6) Mycology and Seed Pathology Laboratory
With 104 m2, 24 binocular microscopes, 12 sterioscopic binocular microscope, microtome, laminar airflow cabinet, refrigerator, freezer, 3 incubation cabinet with 6 square meters each and temperature and lighting control, precision scale, counters and chair for 12 students, projector, 5 BOD incubators with lighting control, a vertical autoclave, a sample storage cabinet, a freezer, a refrigerator e 29″ monitor. The laboratory is licensed by the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento through the Portaria 180 de 09/11/1993 para a expedição de laudos de análise de sementes. In 2013 4 sterioscopic binocular microscope were acquired (R$ 6.196,00).