Young Talents Settlement
An efficient way of settling young talents is to establish them as postdoctoral researchers with grants. The program had 41 postdoctoral researchers, a lot of them act as professors and researchers at several institutions.
1 – Douglas Grutzmacher
Period: 01/05/05 to 30/04/09
Supervisor: Anderson Grutzmacher
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Pesticide free packaging center manager - Capão do Leão/RS - Businessperson
2 – Uemerson Silva da Cunha
Period: 01/04/07 to 01/03/08
Supervisor: Anderson Grutzmacher
Grant: Recém Doutor FAPERGS
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: PPGFS/FAEM/UFPel Professor
3 – Roberta Manica-Berto
Period: 01/11/09 to 01/11/12
Supervisor: Dirceu Agostinetto
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Tríade president director - Assessoria e consultoria em produção textual, estatística e bioinformática LTDA
4 – Bianca Obês Corrêa
Period: 05/01/11 to 28/01/15
Supervisor: Andrea Bittencourt Moura
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Universidade Anhanguera UNIDERP, Campo Grande, MS Professor
5 – Demócrito Amorim Chiesa Freitas
Period: 05/01/11 to 28/01/15
Supervisor: Andrea Bittencourt Moura
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
6 – Adrise Medeiros Nunes
Period: 01/10/11 to 30/10/13
Supervisor: Dori Edson Nava
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: PNPD/ PPGEntomologia UFPel postdoctoral researcher
7 – Moisés João Zotti
Period: 01/12/11 to 01/03/13
Supervisor: Anderson Grutzmacher
Grant: PNPD
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: PPGFS/FAEM/UFPel Professor
8 – João Luis Osório Rosado
Period: 01/09/12 to 31/08/13
Supervisor: Dori Edson Nava
Grant: PDJ
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: PNPD/ PPG in environmental science - UNESC postdoctoral researcher
9 – Edinalvo Rabaioli Camargo
Period: 01/10/12 to 28/02/14
Supervisor: Luis Antonio de Avila
Grant: Atração de Jovens Talentos
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: PPGFS/FAEM/UFSM Professor
10 – Sandro Daniel Nornberg
Period: 01/11/12 to 31/12/2016
Supervisor: Anderson Dionei Grutzmacher
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Business person, GrowCare manager
11 – Roberta Manica-Berto
Period: 01/11/12 to 01/12/13
Supervisor: Dirceu Agostinetto
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Diretora presidente Tríade - Assessoria e consultoria em produção textual, estatística e bioinformática LTDA
12 – Carlos Eduardo Schaedler
Period: 01/11/12 to 01/10/13
Supervisor: Luis Antonio de Avila
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: UNIPAMPA Professor
13 – Bibiana Silveira Moraes
Period: 01/03/13 to 01/06/15
Supervisor: Luis Antonio de Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
14 – Luis Eduardo Panozzo
Period: 01/04/13 to 30/11/13
Supervisor: Anderson Grutzmacher
Grant: PNPD
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: DFT/UFPEL Professor
15 – Aline Nordilho
Period: 01/10/13 to 10/04/2015
Supervisor: Marcos Botton
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
16 – Daiane Benemann
Period: 01/01/14 to 16/08/2016
Supervisor: Dirceu Agostinetto
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Businessperson, Pant Biotec manager
17 – Rodolfo Vargas Castilhos
Period: 01/02/14 to 01/06/2015
Supervisor: Anderson Grutzmacher
Grant: PNPD
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: EPAGRI/SC Researcher
18 – Luiz Fernando Dias Martini
Period: 01/03/14 to 01/11/14
Supervisor: Luis Antonio de Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Dow Agrosciences researcher
19 – Roberta Manica-Berto
Period: 01/03/14 to 01/11/14
Supervisor: Dori Nava
Grant: PDJ
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Diretora presidente Tríade - Assessoria e consultoria em produção textual, estatística e bioinformática LTDA
20 – Sidnei Kuster Ranno
Period: 15/09/14 to 15/08/16
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Deceased in 2018
21 – Kelen Müller Souto
Period: 01/10/14 to 10/12/14
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: UNICRUZ professor
22 – Julia Coswig Goldbeck
Period: 01/11/14 to 01/11/16
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: IFSUL substitute professor
23 – Gustavo Mack Teló
Period: 05/03/15 to 01/08/2016
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: CAPES/Embrapa
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
24 – Renata Moccelin
Period: 04/2015 to 01/03/2017
Supervisor: Cândida Farias
Grant: PNPD
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
25 – Ismail Teodoro de Souza
Period: 04/2015 to 01/03/2017
Supervisor: Andrea Moura
Grant: PNPD
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
26 – Rafael Munhoz Pedroso
Period: 01/03/2016 to 01/08/2016
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PNPD
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: ESALQ/USP Professor
27 – Sonia Pôncio
Period: 01/08/2015 to 30/07/2016
Supervisor: Dori Nava
Grant: PDJ
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
28 – Rafael da Silva Gonçalves
Period: 01/03/2016 to 30/11/2017
Supervisor: Dori Nava
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
29 – Ruben Machota Jr.
Period: 01/11/2015 – 10/05/2018
Supervisor: Marcos Botton
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
30 – Daniel Bernardi
Period: 01/03/2015- 03/03/2017
Supervisor: Marcos Botton
Grant: PDJ
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Crop protection department UFPel professor
31 – Fábio Schreiber
Period: 01/08/2016 to 09/04/2018
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: CAPES Embrapa
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Syngenta research supervisor
32 – Ananda Scherner
Period: 01/03/2017 to 25/03/2018
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Herbicide registration leader at FMC Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
33 – João Paulo Refatti
Período: 01/03/2017 to 25/03/2018
Supervisor: Edinalvo Camargo
Grant: PNPD
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
34 – Ismail Teodoro Júnior
Period: 01/03/2017 to 01/03/2018
Supervisor: Andrea Moura
Grant: PNPD
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
35 – Ismail Teodoro de Souza Júnior
Period: 01/04/2018
Supervisor: Danielle de Barros
Grant: PNPD
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
36 – Leticia Neutzling Rickes
Period: 01/10/2015 to 28/02/2018
Supervisor: Moises Zotti
Grant: PNPD
Field: Plant Pathology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
37 – Magali Kemmerich
Period: 06/08/2018 to 30/04/2019
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PDJ
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
38 – Magali Kemmerich
Period: 01/05/2019 to 01/02/2020
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PNPD
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
39 – Juliano Lessa Duarte
Period: 01/11/2018
Supervisor: Uemerson Cunha
Grant: PNPD
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
40 – Paulo Cesar Pazdiora
Period: 01/10/2019
Supervisor: Jerônimo Vieira
Grant: PNPD
Field: Entomology
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
41 – Lariza Benedetti
Period: 15/11/2019
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: Own resources
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder
42 – Vivian Ebling Viana
Period: 15/01/2020
Supervisor: Luis Avila
Grant: PNPD
Field: Weed Science
Current occupation: Fellowship holder