Weed Science Infrastructure



1) Weed Science Laboratory

Laboratory with 35 m2, has a refrigerator, 5 BOD´s, 3 precision scales, 2  CO2 precision herbicide appliers, 2 drying oven, a leaf area determining equipment, a oximeter, a pH meter , a conductivity meter, a photosynthesis determinator (IRGA) and 5 computers.


2) Secondary Metabolism applied to Weed Science Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2010 has a 20m2 area, with the basic equipment to plant metabolism experiment development: a spectrophotometer, 1 centrifuge, 1 water bath, Multiplex 3 and a water distiller.


3)  Molecular Biology applied to Weed Science Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2012, has a 50m2 area and the objective of supporting molecular biology research. This laboratory is well equipped because it raised in 2010/2011 the amount of R$459.700,29 from research projects approved by CNPq, FAPERGS and Embrapa (CNPT). Among several equipments acquired, the highlights are: StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System, Optical density measurer, Turbovap LV, Thermal cycler, Chapel with PCR flow, Gels Photodocumentation, Spectrophotometer and refrigerated centrifuge. In 2012 a unidirectional laminar flow chapel was acquired mod. Miniflow i filtracom, with the value of R$ 9.110,00 and a Spectrophotometer UV/Visivel Ultrospec 2100 Pro with the value of R$ 23.851,85, through a approved project in a Redes Nacionais de pesquisa em Agrobiodiversidade e Sustentabilidade Agropecuária (REPENSA) by CNPQ/FAPERGS notice, which the amount received was R$390.396,50. A project was also approved with CNPq (Universal, Faixa B, Edital 14/2012) in the amount of R$39.619,60.  


4 – Herbicide Dynamics in the Environment Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2010, the laboratory with 50m2 , where herbicide degradation, persistence and transport studies take place. It is equipped with basic instrumentation for the herbicide dissipation studies, a freezer for samples storage, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge, Precision scales, Pipettors, Glassware, environmental temperature control for respirometry (Herbicide degradation) projects, Nanovue and Bioassay BODs.

In 2012 through several development agencies, new equipments were acquired in the value of R$ 50.000,00, being the following:  Exhaustion chapel, Analytical scale Cap. 220g, div. 0,0001g; Semi-Analytical sacale Cap. 320g, Div. 0,001g; Digital Scale Cap. 3200g, div 0,01g; Micro processed Water bath with ramps and levels, Scale Cap. 20Kg; Magnetic stirrer with heater and Vortex tubes agitator. More resources were approved in projects with FAPERGS (Pesquisador Gaucho Edital 04/2012) and CAPES/CNPq (Atração de Jovens Talentos), in the amount of R$377.460,00, of which R$42.500,00 and R$334.960,00 came from each office, respectively. In 2013 a group approved a cooperation project with UCDavis the will allow a R$60.000,00 investment in consumables and a PVE project with USDA in the value of R$400.000,00 and a project with University of Arkansas in the amount of R$400.000,00(PVE).

In 2013 6 air sample collecting pumps were acquired for the contaminants quantifications in the amount of (R$ 50.000,00). Besides that, in 2013 a truck and a portable freezer for sample collecting were acquired.

In 2017 a LC-MS-Orbitrap (high resolution LC-MS) was acquired and installed, which allows the quantification of organic products in the liquid form with mass accuracy. This equipment in the value of 1.3 million reais was acquired com resources from a CT-INFRA project from 2010.  


5 –  Research and Climate Change Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2011, the laboratory has a 30m2 area, where plant growth in modified environment researches take place, it has 2  fitotrons, one acquired with UNIVERSAL 2010 resources from the brand Weiss Fitotron with 1.100 PAR luminous intensity and photoperiod temperature and CO2 control (R$ 134.000,00). The second one (No brand), was constructed with own resources (R$ 45.000,00) with medium luminous intensity lights (>900 PAR), and photoperiod and temperature control.

Besides that, the laboratory has 8OTC’s (Open Top Chambers), in which is possible to work with CO2 increased environment in field conditions. 2 OTC’s were built in 2014 and 6 in 2015 with own resources (R$ 50.000,00), being that the construction and automation of CO2 injection is a part o the student João Paulo Refatti doctoral project.

At the end of a Fitotron was installed, formed by 3 12m2 rooms, with humidity, temperature, photoperiod and CO2 level in the atmosphere control. This equipment was acquired with resources from CT-INFRA (R$480.000,00).  


6 – Weed Science Field Laboratory

Inaugurated in 2015, the laboratory 342m2 area, where field researches take place, being uses as field equipment storage area, field material processing area, among other activities.