Participation of Faculty Members in Events Organization
2020 - Professor Luis Avila is the president of the “8th International Weed Science Congress” scientific committee that will take place in Bangkok in 2020. Professor Avila took two trips to organize the event from the 24th to the 30th of September and from the 22nd to the 31st of October.
2013 - Professor Anderson Grutzmacher and Dr. Dori Nava organized the first Brazil-Belgium conference about pest control innovative technologies.
2012 - Professor Luis Avila participated in the "International Weed Science Congress" organizing committee. 2012, Hangzhou, China;
2012 - Professor Luis Avila in collaboration with Professor Aldo Merotto Jr. from UFRGS organized the "II International Weed Science Tour" that took place between the 23rd and the 27th of June, 2012 visiting research centers e universities in China and Italy.
2011 - Professor Luis Avila and Professor Jose Noldin organized the "I International Weed Science Tour" that took place in the USA between the 20th of august and the 5th of September, 2011 going through the states of Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana.
2018 - Professor Uemerson Cunha, Professor Flávio Mello Garcia and Professor Daniel Bernardi are a part of the "2018 Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia" organizing committee.
2018 - Professor Luis Avila is a part of the "Congresso de plantas daninhas" scientific committee that took place in Rio de Janeiro in 2018.
2016 - Professor Luis Avila is a part of the "Congresso de plantas daninhas" organizing committee that took place in Curitiba, PR in 2016.
2014 - Professors Jesus Pinto (President), Luis Avila (General Coordinator), Dirceu Agostinetto (Treasurer), Fabiane Lamego (Social Communication) e Edinalvo Camargo (Geral Secretary) organized the "XXIX Congresso Brasileiro da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas" that took place in Gramado, RS between the 1st and the 4th of September, 2014.
2013 - Professor Uemerson Cunha was a part of the "IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Acarologia" organizing committee. The event took place in Bento Gonçalvez, RS, Hotel Dall'Onder between the 30th of April and the 3rd of may, 2013.