[ENG] Dance Professor Participated in Conference in the United Arab Emirates

Last March, professor Thiago Silva de Amorim Jesus, from the Dance School and the Visual Arts Postgraduate Program in the Arts Center of UFPel, represented the institution and the country in the Sharjah International Scientific Conference 2019, a scientific event that took place in the city of Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates.

The UFPel researcher was the only Brazilian representative to participate in the event. The work presented was titled “BRAZILIAN CARNIVAL: EXPRESSION OF POPULAR CULTURE ADAPTING TO THE EFFECTS OF CONTEMPORARY TECHNOLOGIES” and it is one of the outcomes resulting from the research project coordinated by the professor in the institution called “Folguedos e Danças Folclóricas Marginais do e no Rio Grande do Sul” and is part of the Research Group OMEGA – Observatório de Memória, Educação, Gesto e Arte (UFPel/CNPq).