At the beginning of every semester, the Universidade Federal de Pelotas offers Portuguese lessons with no costs through the teaching project Políticas Linguísticas de Internacionalização na UFPel. The project is coordinated by Professor Vanessa Doumid Damasceno from the Center for Languages and Communication (CLC).
The Portuguese course relies on different classes, including basic Portuguese classes, preparation classes for the Celpe-Bras exam and classes that cover Brazilian Culture Aspects.
The enrollment period for the classes will be notified by the CLC at the beginning of each semester. For more information about the courses, please contact ppe.clc.ufpel@gmail.com or access their Facebook page for Portuguese lessons.
UFPel has a University Management System called Cobalto. Through the website www.cobalto.ufpel.edu.br, students have access to academic information such as their registration number, schedule, academic transcripts and grades. The system requires a CPF number and a password in order to access it. The first password is generated by the system and should be changed after its first use. If the student doesn’t have a CPF number, they should head to the Coordination of Academic Records (CRA) to generate a password with the passport number.
The evaluation system requires a minimum of 75% of frequency for the student to be approved in a subject and their average grade must be equal to or higher than 7. If the final grade is lower than 3, the student will automatically fail the subject. If the student’s semester average grade is between 3 and 6.9, they are allowed to take an exam that takes place in the last week of the semester. In this case, the student will be approved if the sum of the average grade of the semester and the exam grade divided by two is higher than or equal to 5.
The Cobalto system also disposes of a free smartphone app that provides academic information to the user.
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ionicframework.cobaltoapp528330
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cobalto-ufpel/id1280228121?mt=8
DCE Student Card
The Student Card provided by the Student’s Council (DCE) of UFPel ensures half-price entry for students in many places and events, such as movie theaters, circus, theaters, sports events, music events and more. In order to request the card, the students must fill a form with their personal information and, instead of typing the RG number, foreign students must type their passaport number. After filling the form, the student must go to DCE with the passport and pay R$5,00 so that the card can be issued right away.
Email address: dceufpeldiasdeluta@gmail.com
Sign Up Form:
UFPel Identification Card
The UFPel Identification Card is provided by the Collegiate of each program and the students must head to any library of UFPel to sign up for the card. At the library, the student has to inform his or her registration number in UFPel and take a photo at the place that will be put in the card. After 20 days, the card can be withdraw at the Program Collegiate. The card is a valid document to access the restaurants of UFPel.
Documento do Estudante
Every student in Brazil has access to this document. This student card can be used in the whole country and grants students rights as well as 50% discount in concerts, events, games, movie theathers and more. To get this document, the student must fill a form and send 1 photo 3×4 + 1 copy of an identification document + 1 copy of your university registration. The document costs R$35,00 plus the transportation fee (transportation to Pelotas costs around R$12,00). The payment must be done either by credit card or by Boleto Bancário – similar to a Bank slip – it is a common method of payment in Brazil in which the customer prints a document that has the information about the product and the recipient’s bank account – this document must be presented to a bank or an ATM in order to transfer the money and complete the transaction. The payment must be done in up to 5 working days after issuing the bank slip. The card will be sent to your residence by the postal service.
Sign Up Form: https://www.documentodoestudante.com.br
There are three University Restaurants in UFPel: one in Campus Capão do Leão and two in Campus Pelotas. In Campus Pelotas, one of them is located at Rua Santa Cruz, 1705 and the other one is at Rua Andrade Neves, 2019. Lunch and dinner are free every day for Meal Allowance students (including weekends and holidays). From Mondays to Fridays, regular students can eat at the restaurant for R$2,00 per meal and they are allowed to buy tickets from the cashiers of the restaurant to eat there on weekends. The restaurant menu provides vegetarian and vegan options. Breakfast is served from 06:45 am to 07:45 am – which can be accessed only by Meal Allowance students -, lunch from 11:15 am to 13:30 pm and dinner from 17:30 pm to 20:00 pm.
“Pelotas Tem” is a smartphone app that focuses on providing tips and information about the city to tourists. It relies on a virtual guide for the city. The app also has a schedule about upcoming events in the city.
With it, one can find several tips and information about everything that Pelotas has to offer, from the history of the city and tourist attractions to daily needs and night life.
It’s easy and cheap to get a SIM card (cellphone microchip) in Brazil, especially if you already have a phone that works here.
Mobile phones in Brazil are very expensive compared to Europe and the USA. We recommend that you bring your own phone and buy a SIM card when you arrive here. Make sure that your phone isn’t blocked to SIM cards before leaving your country. A SIM card costs around R$10,00 and can be recharged with R$7,00 to R$45,00 monthly. Long distance calls from a mobile phone are expensive, that is why we suggest Skype or any other online method as an alternative to communicate with people that aren’t in Brazil.
After choosing a mobile network operator, you are ready to buy a SIM card. You can find it in newsstands and stores from the network operators (located at the mall or downtown). In order to obtain the SIM card you must have a CPF. You will be able to use the SIM card activating it by calling to the network operator.
It’s important to choose a cellphone plan before you start using the phone, this way you might save some money.
Fonte: http://brazilianexperience.com/important-info-index/
City Buses – PRATI – CTCP
Pelotas students are able to apply for PRATI Student’s Card in order to pay only 60% of the bus ticket value.
To obtain the card, the student must present their Passport and CPF with a copy of each document and a School or University Registration Certificate that shows the student’s schedule and the date of the beginning and end of the semester.
Address: Av. Bento Gonçalves, 3384 – Centro, Pelotas/RS
Telephone Number: 0800-609-2999 / (53) 3026-5555
Website: http://www.pratipelotas.com.br/cartoes/estudante
UFPel Transportation
The University offers free transportation that connects many campuses in the city of Pelotas. The map below shows the trajectory of the bus lines Anglo-RU, Anglo-Medicina and Anglo-ESEF from UFPel buses.
Cittamobi App
Cittamobi has the purpose of giving information about each bus line and bus stop of a city. It is a very helpful app for foreigners who choose to use the city’s public transportation.
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