Arrival and Stay in Pelotas


Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (CRNM)

Please look for your Buddy, from the Buddy Program, so they may assist you and give you all the information you need and help you fill the forms. CRNM has a cost of $204,77.

Cadastro de Pessoa Físicas (CPF)

The Brazilian Taxpayer Registry (Cadastro de Pessoa Física), known as CPF, is a database administrated by the Federal Revenue, that stores information of its registered population. It is a document for Brazilians and foreigners that live in Brazil. Without CPF, one cannot open a bank account, rent internet or cable TV services, be up to date with taxes, purchase in determined stores, among other things.

Depending on the country, foreign students can apply for CPF  outside Brazilian territory by consulting the Brazilian Diplomatic Representations (consulades and embassies). Inside Brazilian territory, it is possible to apply for CPF in Agência dos Correios (Mail Agency) located at Rua Tiradentes, 2515, Pelotas. As a third option, international students can apply for CPF online, through the website of Receita Federal (Federal Revenue):

The proof of registration in CPF can be fulfilled by presenting the “CPF Registration Receipt” and an identification document to Agência da Receita Federal (Federal Revenue Agency), located at Rua Professor Araújo, 216, Pelotas. Possible identification documents are: official Identy Document of the student’s home country, CRNM (Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório), Passport or CRNM Protocol (followed by the SINCRE consulting screen printed) –



For foreign students who do not have any kind of assistance, the cost of living in Pelotas for a month is between R$ 775,00 the lowest and R$ 2.235,00 the highest, considering housing (boarding houses), food (university restaurant every day of the week), transport (Capão do Leão Campus) and leisure. Disregarding the transportation to Campus Capão do Leão and using the free UFPel shuttle service, the cheapest cost of living is around R$ 655,00 and the most expensive is around R$ 2.115,00. The student should also consider some other extra expenses, such as materials for their classes.

To check out a more detailed cost of living, access Numbeo website:



It is possible to travel from Porto Alegre to Pelotas by plane or by bus. If the student chooses to travel by bus,  they should head to Porto Alegre Bus Station (by taxi, train or bus) after arriving in the airport of the city. In order to buy the bus ticket, there are three options: the student can buy the ticket in the bus station, at the Veppo Store located in the airport or through the website of Veppo, in this link:, after signing up. The price of a ticket is between R$61,20 and R$96,75. For more information, access It is important to pay attention to the time of departure of the bus, because there might be traffic jams in peak times in the way from the airport to the bus station.

If the student chooses to travel by plane, the airport in Pelotas operates scheduled flights with the company Azul Linhas Aéreas, connecting Pelotas to Porto Alegre with two daily flights.

If the student arrives in Porto Alegre at the end of the week, we recommend that you exchange your money at the exchange offices of the airport, as there is a possibility that the exchange offices in Pelotas are closed. Suggestions: Alternative Tourism and Exchange, located on the 2nd floor of the passenger terminal 2; Casa Brasil Cambio, located on the 1st floor of the passenger terminal 1.

The journey, in Pelotas, from the bus station or the airport to the accommodation is a responsibility of the student. UFPel does not provide a student reception service.