Início do conteúdo

Scholarship Committee

  • Role:
  1. During the months of May of each year, or whenever necessary, to evaluate the~scholarship students’ performance according to the rules in use established by the Academic and Administrative Committee of PPG DTSA and Ordinance_076_regulationds Capes;
  2. To selecte candidates;
  3. To prepare a selection list;
  4. To suggest changes of scholarship holders whenever needed;
  • Term of validit
  • y: 17/12/2018 to 16/12/2020;
  • Members: Prof. Alisson Eduardo Maehler, Prof. Luciara Bilhalva Corrêa, Prof. Gabrielito Menezes, alternate Robson Andreazza.


Selection Committee

  • Role:
  1. To suggest the selection criteria;
  2. To develop selection exams;
  3. To apply exams;
  4. To evaluate the exams of selection;
  5. To prepare the selected list;
  • Term of validity: 17/12/2018 to 16/12/2020;
  • Members: Prof. Décio Souza Cotrim, Prof. Gabrielito Rauter Menezes, Prof. Mário Conill Gomes and the Prof. Rogério Costa Campos.


Student Monitoring Committee

  • Role:
  1. To request the students’ study plan;
  2. To request feedback from teachers and advisors on student performance;
  3. To consider whether the students’ performance is in line with the program rules (minimum achievement index, proficiency test, qualification, research schedule, the maximum term for thesis defense, etc.)
  4. To provide low-performance students with a copy for the coordination of PPG DTSA;
  • Term of validity: 17/12/2018 to 16/12/2020;
  • Members: Prof. Mario Duarte Canever, Prof. Robson Andreazza, Prof. Rogério Costa Campos, alternate Profa. Rosana da Rosa Portella Tondolo.


Professor Monitoring Committee

  • Role:


  1. To evaluate the faculty’s performance according to the program rules in use, (CHAPTER IV of the PPG DTSA Rules and the Regulations of art. 12, §§ 1st and 2nd of the Rules, which states the criteria for maintaining the faculty – minutes 10/2015).
  2. To evaluate annually (on September) the faculty’s performance;
  3. To provide an opinion on low-performance faculty;
  4. To provide an opinion on the maintenance, progression, or discrediting of the PPG DTSA
  5. To request, to evaluate, and to provide an opinion on the accreditation of new professors;
  • Term of validity: 17/12/2018 to 16/12/2020;
  • Members: Prof. Marcio Silva Rodrigues, Prof. Mário Conill Gomes, Prof. Marcelo Fernandes Pacheco Dias, alternate Prof. Alisson Eduardo Maehler.


Scientific and Academic Events Committee

  • Role:
  1. To design, to organize, to implement, and to controll academic events under PPG DTSA, bearing in mind the current requirements of the academic committee:
  2. A yearly scientific event that debates the interdisciplinarity and the problematic of the UFPel reach area.
  3. Biweekly events that enhance the involvement of research groups of the program’s professors, that value the professors’ participation in stands and other program events, that value the participation of other professors from other areas of UFPel, considering the promotion of interdisciplinarity, theoretical and methodological deepening and the debate of problems in the UFPel’s reach area).
  4. A biannual study visit with student participation to increase the knowledge of the local reality and potential research problems.
  • Term of validity: 17/12/2018 to 16/12/2020
  • Members: Prof. Gabrielito Menezes and all the scholarship students of the program, including the PNPD.
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