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Research Groups

GPCIE – Grupo de Pesquisa Cultura, Imaginário e Educação
(Culture, Imaginary and Education Research Group)
Started in 2016
The proposal is to be broad in studies of cultural manifestations in the past and in the present, in its diffusion process through education, and having as theoretical focus the studies of the imaginary, in its greatest amplitude, which includes human thoughts as a result of constructions cultural values of each group.

GEPAC – Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Alimentação, Consumo e Cultura
(Food, Consumption and Culture Study and Research Group)
Started in 2006
The group has been developing its activities since 2006, although it was only in 2013 that it was registered in the CNPq Research Groups Directory. The research agenda of GEPAC is permeated by a set of themes, which take food and consumption: 1. as expressions of an imaginary about the rural, constituted especially by residents of urban centers in their practices; 2. as revealing dilutions and redefinitions of the boundaries between rural and urban, as shown by the ambiguities present in the productive and consumption practices of various segments of farmers; 3. as diacritical signs of identities that bring together the rural as an attribute; 4. taking part in the debate on the dynamics of rural development and the corresponding processes and practices of food production; 5. as aggregators of meanings, political positions and constitutive processes of new networks.

GEEUR – Grupo de Estudos Etnográficos Urbanos 
(Urban Ethnographic Study Group)
Started in 2011
The work developed by the group assists the training of students with the Graduate Program in Anthropology and the Bachelor of Anthropology at UFPel, and supports the research and extension of the projects led by its participants. In addition, it promotes interaction with other UFPel research groups.