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Graduate Program in Anthropology (PPGAnt)

The Graduate Program in Anthropology (PPGAnt) at UFPel  linked to the Department of Anthropology and Archeology, offers Masters and Doctorate courses in Anthropology with areas of concentration in Anthropology and Archeology. The program follows the proposals developed in the Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology and Archeology at UFPel.

The Program proposes to strengthen the relationship between Anthropology and Archeology, encouraging approaches that emphasize both synchronic and diachronic aspects in the study of culture. Sharing interest in the concepts of ethnography and interculturality, the areas of concentration seek to foster studies on border realities, stimulated by the very geographical location of UFPel, on the southern limits of Brazil. In PPGAnt, ethnography is seen as the possibility of a composition between the recognition of the symbolic nature of culture and a methodology capable of producing ways to recognize this reality in its varied dimensions, adding its anthropological, archaeological and historical elements. We focus our reflexive efforts on problematizing discontinuity and interconnection, the dynamics between limit and flow, the aggregation of differences between the sides of the border. Whether in the past of Amerindian populations, or in the present of these and other colonized groups, social or political boundaries do not mark insurmountable boundaries between cultures, social groups and ways of thinking – rather, they mark places of encounter, conflict and negotiation.

The Master’s Degree Program was approved by CAPES in December 2011 and the activities started in April 2012, with an annual entry in two lines of research.

The Doctorate Degree Program was approved by CAPES in December 2015 and the activities started in March 2016.

PPGANT is also a space for conducting Post-Doctoral studies with scholarships and volunteers. It is encouraged to link researchers to the centers, laboratories and projects developed by professors of the Program.

PPGAnt / UFPel offers research infrastructure with its various research centers and laboratories. It also has a vehicle for scientific publications, the journal Tessitura – Revista de Antropologia e Arqueologia, as well as several teaching, research and extension projects that connect the University with the external public. Currently, the Program has 22 renowned professors and advisors in their fields and with extensive experience in teaching and research.