[ENG] UFPel trains faculties in English as means of instruction

Last June, The Vice Presidency Office for Personal Management and the International Office at UFPel held a training workshop on English as a Medium of Instruction, seeking to teach graduate professors how to use English as a content teaching tool, similarly as it has been done in the countries where English is not the official language. Along the meetings, methods and techniques about how to apply this approach as well as its advantages and how to use it were addressed. Professors Leandro Tessler, from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), and Simone Sarmento, from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), were in charge of delivering the course and practicing life like activities and exercises, regardless of participants’ field of expertise. The aim of this course was to expand the internationalization of the university through the training of staff, hopefully resulting in concurrent benefits both to UFPel and international students.