quarta-feira, janeiro 22

Institutional Internationalization Project (PrInt)

Download the Call CAPES for Institutional Internationalization Projects Portuguese version here

Download the Call CAPES for Institutional Internationalization Projects English version here.

Download the IIP Portuguese version here.

Download the IIP English version here.

Goals of the Institutional Project

Throughout its almost 50 years of history, UFPel has been characterized by a strong performance in some areas. Taking advantage of its privileged geographical location within the Pampa biome and of unique climatic conditions, it has developed a remarkable leadership in the area of Agricultural Sciences.

During this period, the institution participated in several important international initiatives, such as the sequencing of the rice genome and of other species. Experience in genome analysis has enabled UFPel to join the most important sequencing projects of pathogenic microorganisms in Brazil.

Over the last decades, the institution has achieved outstanding national and international projection in the area of medical epidemiology, with relevant contributions to subjects such as breastfeeding, infant nutrition, oral health and health throughout the vital cycle. One of the main examples is the creation of new growth curves for children up to five years of age, adopted by more than 140 countries and developed by an UFPel research group with the World Health Organization.

In view of the above and recognizing the specific features and strengths of the institution, this internationalization project covers two main themes: “Health Society: a look at equity throughout the vital cycle” and “Healthy food in sustainable territories”. Brazil has undergone key transitional processes to establish political actions related to the physical, emotional and social well-being of the population. There has been a reduction of severe malnutrition, rapid aging of the population, growth of cities, changing of eating habits and increased obesity, chronic diseases and sedentary lifestyle.

The improvements observed in social and health indicators have not reached all population groups and have not been continuously monitored by effective actions to reduce social inequities. It is precisely in this context of socialization and disorganized process of urbanization, followed by the establishment of social and health inequities, that UFPel is placed.

Therefore, an institutional project of internationalization should propose a coordinated and cross-sectional action between different groups and programs to deal with existing difficulties. One way it can be accomplished is by using academic expertise to approach problems that, due to regional specific features, serve as a favorable environment for the generation of relevant evidence, especially when one considers that the problems described above also affect different countries and regions worldwide to a lesser or bigger extent.

The attention given to the aging of the population is part of the context of sustainable development, since it refers to the need of managing population growth and longevity. It is estimated that by 2050, 45% of the world’s elderly population will be in the BRICS. Thus, the aging agenda becomes important, arguing that the preferred environment for aging is in the community. In Pelotas, results from epidemiological studies with the elderly population have prompted the municipality’s initiative to compete for recognition of the WHO as a “Friendly City of the Elderly.”

The creation of urban environments aimed at this public is an integral part of successful aging, reducing the need for institutional care, health care costs and social assistance. Initiatives in this area have been carried out, as an example of an international cooperation project supported by the Newton Fund. By involving the field of human sciences we aim to broaden the theme of health throughout life. In these areas, the health theme covers the concept of social diseases, investigating practices that enhance or reduce the vulnerability and invisibility of people at the individual and collective levels. Terms such as “diagnosis” and “pathology” start to be associated to society as a whole; in this perspective, the deficit corresponds to the social anomaly that violates values, especially justice and solidarity, compromising the possibility of a healthy living.

In addition to being contemporary, this theme has the power to impact the city and the country positively, with the possibility of international repercussion given the comprehensive nature of this type of research. Another aspect of this proposal will address healthy food and sustainable territories. We are faced with issues of great relevance and timeliness. Healthy eating practices are on the rise, however usually associated with fad diets and sports nutrition. The idea here is to approach the theme including investigations about the cultivation, transportation, bioprospecting of new substances and other processes associated to agri-food industry.

Despite the promotion of healthy eating observed in the last decade, the world’s  population still feeds poorly due to inadequate food practices, lack of micronutrients and increased consumption of processed foods. Brazil is seen as a significant participant in the complex geopolitics of international agri-food trade; however, 28% of the substances used the crops are not authorized and 70% of the food is contaminated. Thus, it is understood that healthy eating is not restricted to selecting what to eat; it involves the quality and sanity of food, the degree of risk to producers and rural workers, as well as the deleterious effects of productive models on biodiversity, a matter that receives a strong international appeal.

Addressing a thematic combining health and food is strategic because it also gives way for action in technological areas, which are important in the regional context of UFPel for enabling interaction with several sectors, including the biomedical and agrarian areas. Therefore, this proposal is not limited to the academic field, also adding the generation of technology and innovation worldwide.

In the field of farming, there is room for actions related to the improvement of plants and grains, plant health, increased food security, genetic modifications and biotechnology, areas in which UFPel strongly participates. In the field of public health, a multidisciplinary technological approach will foster the development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Public Health is focused on the prevention and control of diseases and disabilities, and on the promotion of the population’s physical and mental health.

One of the strategies to promote health is immunization. Through immunization, several diseases are prevented and mortality rates are reduced, with long-term economic effects. For several years, UFPel professors have researched products and solutions for different diseases, especially in the area of immunobiological drugs such as vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and the development of diagnostic tests. The development, production and distribution of biopharmaceutical drugs in Brazil is a necessity, since they provide the population with free and guaranteed access to products of complex technology, gradually reducing dependence on imports and strengthening the principles of universality, completeness and equity that guide the actions of the Unified Health System (SUS).

In addition, reagents for laboratory diagnosis have an important role in public health, in epidemiological surveillance, through the identification and monitoring of diseases, and in the evaluation of blood quality in Haemotherapy Services. A careful look should be taken to the area of regenerative medicine, where the impact on the individual’s quality of life can be very large. It is estimated that 70% of the population present needs for tissue repair or restitution, which is related to lifelong health and aging.

Current implantation, restorative and prosthetic devices present good success rates, but they are not able to induce tissue regeneration, which gives way for the development or modification of natural and synthetic molecules – materials and structures capable of acting in biological processes. A long and healthy life implies changing habits, such as performing physical activities. It is worth mentioning that UFPel shows leadership in the international scenario, for example, with the creation of the Global Observatory of Physical Activity.

The Observatory is linked to the International Society of Physical Activity and Health, which aims to transform the abundant information on physical activity and health into action, besides monitoring the progress of the physical inactivity pandemic. In this project of internationalization, the proposal is that other areas of UFPel can take advantage of this experience and work for the creation of global observatories that can bring notoriety and multiple international connections, as well as disseminate scientific advances and innovations. Thus, this project proposes to work in an interdisciplinary and perfectly integrated way in the areas of health and sustainable food production.

The two themes, strongly interconnected, respect the mission and strengths of the institution. In a coordinated action between these two scopes, it is hoped to consolidate research and graduate activities that have already been carried out in the university. Moreover, it is intended to prospect, in the short and midterm, new paths for the international projection of areas that are in different stages of improvement/growth. The institution also understands that the issues addressed can have a local impact in the generation of values such as equity, social inclusion, best practices in health and food security.

It is a matter of placing UFPel at a great level of international visibility, which has already happened to some programs by means of individual or small groups initiatives. The commitment undertaken by the institution based on this Internationalization Project is that of promoting the reorganization of research practices and human resources training within a context of strategic institutional planning. Last but not least, it is intended to propose an internal and external engagement, transcending the boundaries of localism, insulation and knowledge segmentation.


1. Strategy for the consolidation of existing international partnerships, as well as the construction of new partnerships and cooperation projects to increase the relationship between the Brazilian institution and research groups abroad.

In its Strategic Planning for Internationalization, UFPel proposes to establish an institutional routine for the promotion of new strategic partnerships, and for the maintenance and expansion of existing international partnerships. For the establishment of strategic partnerships, UFPel prioritizes the establishment of relations with institutions that have interest in several areas of knowledge, serving the university in a broad way. Considering that the construction and maintenance of this type of partnership requires significant allocation of human and logistical resources, UFPel started a commission for analysis, prospection and selection of strategic partnerships, formed by representatives of the Presidency, Vice Presidency for Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation, graduate programs of excellence, and the Office for International Affairs.

Another goal of UFPel is to prospect, with strategic partners, foreign funds for the development of the actions planned in collaboration. Thus, the following strategies are being adopted to prospect new partnerships: stimulate university members from different
knowledge areas to identify promising and strategic international partnerships in their work and study fields; disseminate, within the internal academic community, the new agreements signed with partner institutions, supervising the development of activities; increase, within the external academic community, the dissemination of academic excellence activities developed in undergraduate and graduate programs and in research, extension and innovation projects (by sending international partners updated and multilingual materials every year); expand UFPel partnerships with universities from countries traditionally recognized for their academic excellence and with a history of good partnerships with Brazil.

In order to consolidate the existing strategic partnerships, the following strategies are being implemented: request a previous work plan for all the agreements to be signed, including the perspective of engagement with other academic departments and the possibility of starting collaboration networks; annually send the professors responsible for the agreements a questionnaire of the activities carried out under that partnership; disseminate the activities developed under the agreements so that other departments and other knowledge fields within UFPel can make benefit from the existing partnerships.

2. Strategy to attract foreign students to Brazil.

The strategies that UFPel adopts and will expand to meet the goal of attracting a larger number of foreign students are: offer graduate scholarships (Vice Presidency and Graduate Programs quotas, as well as institutional master and doctorate scholarships with resources provided by the Institution) and open specific calls for applications to attract and select foreign students; create, update and disseminate printed and electronic advertising material in different languages highlighting the characteristics and strengths of UFPel, the city of Pelotas and the region to motivate students that are interested in studying in Brazil; develop new partnerships and collaborative networks that can enable UFPel to have reciprocal agreements for academic mobility, of short or long duration; offer summer courses for foreigners, taught in Portuguese and in other languages; disseminate, among UFPel departments, the flexibilization of curricula and prerequisites for students in a short-term academic mobility (up to 1 year) and who will not graduate from UFPel to allow for the approval of their study plans; increasing UFPel international visibility by proposing that all undergraduate and graduate programs have informative and up-to-date websites in foreign languages, with emphasis in English and Spanish; create, within UFPel programs, procedures of credit transfer for credits earned abroad; encourage the creation of an Association of Foreign Students that can provide leisure, cultural, study and coexistence environments for the reception of these students, making their adaptation easier to the academic community of UFPel and in the city of Pelotas; keep and expand housing vacancies exclusive for foreign students; creating a Housing Program for foreign students within the families of technical staff and UFPel students; encourage publicity campaigns, in partnership with the Municipality of Pelotas, highlighting the advantages of studying and living in Pelotas; work for an increase in the offer of curricular courses taught in foreign languages, thus enabling foreign students to earn here part of the credits required for their diploma in English; increasing the offer of courses of Portuguese as a Foreign Language at UFPel, as well as preparatory courses for proficiency tests in Portuguese.

3. Strategy to attract faculty and researchers with international experience.

UFPel already has a policy in its Higher Council for Teaching, Research and Extension (COCEPE) to allocate 1/3 of the teaching vacancies resulting from retirement of teaching staff for strategic areas, prioritizing Graduate Programs and the perspective of hiring foreign or internationally experienced professors. In addition, in its strategic planning, UFPel is promoting the following strategies to attract professors and researchers from abroad or with international experience: opening application calls with the purpose of selecting visiting and permanent professors that allow for application and hiring of foreign professors with outstanding academic potential, prioritizing faculty and researchers with international experience; developing international advertising material in several languages, highlighting UFPel academic potential and its fields of excellence to facilitate the attraction of foreign professors; providing prospective foreign professors with and researchers with a work environment based on an internal network of collaboration with broad access to multidisciplinary working groups, laboratories and other institutional structures, making UFPel an ideal destination for researchers from foreign institutions wishing to spend a period of sabbatical time or transfer themselves to UFPel; prioritizing, within the planning for resources allocated for internationalization, the development of a funding for visiting professors with outstanding academic profile, especially those with perspectives of adherence to the permanent teachingstaff of UFPel and Graduate Programs; developing strategic actions so that UFPel Graduate Programs can recognize that their programs will be strengthened by the inclusion of foreign permanent professors with a remarkable academic profile; promoting, through International Strategic Partnerships, the training of qualified human resources (mainly through programs of joint supervision and double degree ) with experience in Brazil and abroad, including the possibility of integrating them into the permanent teaching staff of UFPel and partner institutions.

4. Strategy to prepare students and professors for their period abroad as well as for their return, especially in order to increase knowledge appropriation by the institution.

In its Strategic Internationalization Plan, UFPel proposes to create a Program for the Preparation of Students and Staff for International Mobility. Through this project, on-site programs are being offered and online programs will be prepared to provide support and basis for International Mobility, with emphasis on respect for cultural differences, psychological preparation of the applicant, management of financial resources, and good social and academic behavior during the internship abroad. In addition, this Preparatory Program will provide continued psychological support before and during the mobility period, besides monitoring student’s or staff’s progress. Another dimension of preparation that is being extensively improved at UFPel is the development of language and cultural skills of mobility candidates, focused on the context of the destination country.

This linguistic development is being offered by the Languages without Borders Program, and by the UFPel Center for Languages and Communication, as well as activities developed by the Office for International Affairs (such as the “Writing Club” and the “Communication Club”).

Further linguistic development is provided by the disciplines taught in foreign languages in the programs at UFPel. The linguistic development actions are established by UFPel Linguistic Policy. In order to systematically incorporate the knowledge and strategies acquired abroad by students and staff, UFPel promotes permanent spaces for dissemination and discussion of good practices observed in international institutions (UFPel Internationalization Forum). In addition, consolidated annual reports about  experiences abroad will be elaborated with the purpose of bringing possibilities to incorporate curricular innovations to the academic community and in particular to institutional managers, modify administrative procedures, discuss strategic themes and areas, propose new research groups focused on topics of global interest, among other elements that may be useful to qualify UFPel. Other important strategies in this area are presented in “Policy of Appropriation of Knowledge and Experience Acquired Abroad by the Recipients”.

5. Describe innovative strategies that will be used by the institution that were not mentioned above.

UFPel is also developing the following Strategic Actions for Internationalization:

1. Creation of the Institutional Tutorial Program for Internationalization and the Certificate of International Merits, focused on the development of skills and competences in internationalization for undergraduate and graduate UFPel students. This Program proposes the development of and educational and complementary axis to the different programs of UFPel, where writing and oral communication skills in foreign languages, integration with foreign students and professors, discussion of global themes and reflections on curricula and international education systems are experienced.

2. Systematic participation in technical staff training events for Internationalization – UFPel is investing resources in strategic events, such as the “Academies” promoted by EAIE (“European Association for International Education”), where technical staff participate in intensive courses taught by instructors with great experience in management and promotion of internationalization.

3. Construction of institutional projects for internationalization in association with strategic partners abroad – UFPel is participating and leading the construction of projects in academic networks (through public calls from the European Community, Erasmus Programs, partnerships with development agencies in the Americas) aiming at the academic development and the raising of external resources.

4. Creation of the “Newsletter UFPel International” – An instrument for internal and external dissemination of the academic merits of UFPel achieved through international cooperation projects or actions with international strategic partners. With this Newsletter, UFPel hopes to promote and internally increase the understanding of the benefits of an internationalization process, as well as creating a mechanism to attract foreign partners, professors and students.

5. Advertisement of “UFPel International”, a UFPel profile in foreign languages tnot only through the trilingual website, but also in social networks, in order to facilitate the rapprochement with strategic partners and the attraction of foreign students and professors.

6. Organization, through “UFPel Alumni Portal”, of a database for alumni with emphasis on the follow-up of the results of international academic experiences in the professional development of graduates. This strategy is expected to be able to monitor the medium and long-term impact of academic mobility and other forms of international experiences in the professional development of graduates. The observation of positive results will be used to prepare case stories to motivate the university community and current students to invest in the internationalization process of UFPel and to participate more actively in the academic opportunities for internationalization.



1. Selection of foreign partners, considering that at least 70% of the resources should be earmarked for partnerships with institutions based on countries with which Capes maintains effective cooperation.

UFPel has developed a policy for the Selection of New Strategic Partnerships and for the consolidation of existing partnerships. Taking into account that the construction and maintenance of this type of partnership requires significant allocation of human and logistical resources, UFPel has constituted a commission for analysis, prospection and selection of strategic partnerships, formed by representatives of the Presidency, Vice Presidency for Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation, by graduates of excellence and by the Office for International Affairs. The internal policy for the selection of strategic foreign partnerships defined by this committee is based on the following principles:

1. Current or new international strategic partnerships will be consolidated based on the alignment with UFPel strengths, its Strategic Planning for Internationalization and its Institutional Project of Internationalization;
2. UFPel aims to have a limited number of strategic partners for its Institutional Project for
Internationalization, and these partnerships will be justified by showing relevant results, such as number and impact of intellectual, technological or artistic productions obtained jointly between the institutions, organization of shared programs, contribution to international public policies, among other elements of analysis;
3. It will be given priority, within the scope of UFPel Institutional Project for Internationalization, to strategic partnerships with established institutions located in the countries of South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, South Korea, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Russia, Sweden, and Switzerland. Considering that UFPel is located in a border zone with Uruguay and is inserted in a peculiar geographic and environmental context, partnerships with countries not listed in this item can be considered up to the limit established by CAPES;
4. In order to foster productive partnerships, UFPel prioritizes the establishment of relations with institutions that can serve the university in a broader and more articulated way;
5. Priority will be given to strategic partnerships that seek to work jointly for the collection of resources, the construction of proposals for research projects and joint training of human resources, such as the implementation of agreements for double degree.

2. Internal selection process of specific actions and grants policy, within the funding lines of the Capes-Print program. In case of cooperation projects with foreign institutions, the proposer should send a fund spending plan, an activity plan, reciprocal funding, academic mobility, technical, scientific production, counterparts of the partner institutions, among others.

The internal selection policy for the recipients of the actions financed by UFPel Institutional Project for Internationalization will be carried out by the Project Managing Committee and will encompass the following principles and actions:

1. The selection of recipients will always be carried out through public calls addressed to the participating Graduation Programs of the Project, which will present, transparent and objectively, the criteria that will be adopted to establish priorities, and merit, eligibility and ineligibility criteria following the recommendations of CAPES (Capes Ordinances No. 186/ 2017, 201/2017 and 202/2018). Special attention will be given to the items described in the CAPES PrInt Public Call, and the candidates not approved will be given the right to file an administrative appeal.
2. Besides the academic merit, the selection of recipients will take into consideration the
commitment of the recipients; home Graduate Programs with the development of the actions and strategies of the Institutional Project for Internationalization and the Strategic Planning for Internationalization. Proposals from Graduate Programs that provide greater counterparts and engagement with the planned actions will have priority of resource allocation.
3. Research projects to be developed in international cooperation with foreign institutions applying for funding will require their authors to: 3.1 – present an activity plan and fund spending plan; 3.2 – evidence of reciprocal financing (by the foreign part); 3.3 – present a plan of academic mobility and joint technical – scientific production, as well as other counterparts of partner institutions; 3.4 – preferably, an estimate of joint training of human resources through joint supervision agreements, aiming at double degrees and establishing a long-term partnership for human resources training; 3.5 – proof of scientific and technical production among the partners.

3. Policy for hiring faculty with recognized scientific performance in international level.

UFPel implemented in its High Council for Education, Research and Extension (COCEPE) the policy of allocating one out of every three vacancies of new professors for strategic areas, prioritizing Graduate Programs and the prospect of hiring highly qualified professionals with internationally remarkable academic performance.

Preference will be given to professors with significant experience abroad or foreigners with outstanding academic potential with priorities set in research and graduate projects. In addition, UFPel is working on the implementation of application calls for permanent and visiting professors that allow for the application and hiring of foreign professors with outstanding academic potential.

By hiring visiting professors, it is expected that new effective professors will be employed at UFPel. UFPel is also working on a policy of giving international visibility to its areas and actions of academic excellence through the creation of a”UFPel International” profile, which will serve as a vehicle for approaching strategic partners, attracting students, professors, and researchers interested in working at UFPel.

A political action of UFPel Graduate Programs is also being developed through the implementation of UFPel Strategic Internationalization Plan to recognize the strategic importance of the prioritization and inclusion of foreign permanent professors with a remarkable academic profile in their permanent staff. Within this concept, some training is being promoted for the establishment of Strategic International Partnerships, which aim both to attract researchers and professors already trained as well as promote the training of qualified human resources through programs of joint supervision, double degree or other arrangements, with the possibility of integrating them into the permanent teaching staff of UFPel and partner institutions.

4. Policy to increase proficiency in foreign languages for students, graduate faculty and technical staff that has direct relationship with the proposed Internationalization Project.

Since the establishment of UFPel Strategic Internationalization Plan, as well as through its
Linguistic Policy, UFPel has been promoting a series of coordinated actions to encourage linguistic development. Specifically for technical staff, professors and students directly involved in the Institutional Project of Internationalization, the policy of improving linguistic proficiency is focused on:

1. Performing an institutional diagnosis determining the level of proficiency of all people involved to establish development goals;
2. Requiring proficiency evidence for all the recipients of academic mobility actions, according to the rules established by CAPES;
3. Estimulating the participation in language courses promoted by the Languages without Borders program and by the Center for Languages and Communication of UFPel related to the continuous study and linguistic improvement in foreign languages, with initial emphasis in English and Spanish, but with the perspective that each individual involved in the Institutional Project for Internationalization can develop proficiency in at least two foreign languages ;
4. Conducting specific training actions for technical-administrative staff;
5. Offering training for professors with the purpose of enabling foreign language teaching, starting with the English language through EMI workshops (English as Medium of Instruction). With this action, we expect to encourage the creation of foreign language disciplines in all Graduate Programs of UFPel that have signed the Institutional Project for Internationalization;
6. UFPel Strategic Internationalization Plan predicts a policy of creating courses (disciplines) focused on topics of global interest serving the different Programs and taught in foreign languages;
7. Developing apolicy of credit transfer earned through the formal and qualified study of foreign languages in UFPel Graduate Programs, an action that should be reflected in a significant increase of graduate students actively engaged in a process of language development.

5. Policy of recognition for academic and scientific activities performed by faculty members and students abroad.

Through its Strategic Internationalization Plan, UFPel proposes a structured policy of credit transfer and activities taken abroad by students and technical staff, which includes:

1. The valorization of activities and training carried out abroad by technical staff, including extra score for these activities in the annual reports of teaching activities and evaluation reports of technical-administrative staff;
2. The training of institutional managers, coordinators of undergraduate and graduate programs to understand the routines and the presuppositions to make maximum use of activities carried out abroad;
3. The elaboration of a specific resolution establishing a routine of flexibility for the use and transfer of credits, internships and other activities carried out abroad;
4. Automatic incorporation, through a change of resolution, of credit transfer of courses (disciplines) and activities carried out abroad in Graduate Programs; in addition, the institutional policy predicts to promote discussions on this topic in order to internally develop a culture of recognition of differences in educational systems and raise awareness towards the importance of activities carried out abroad, as well as the promotion of these experiences within administrative departments and programs of UFPel.

6. Welcoming and supporting policy of foreign faculty, researchers and students.

UFPel has a differentiated policy for welcoming and supporting foreign students, professors, researchers and staff. This policy is based on providing personalized support and monitoring of all phases of the process through the Office for International Affairs. In addition to the practical issues related to academic life, this monitoring allows for an easier access to psychological support, health care and logistical support (a public call for applications of technical administrative staff is open right now to the health areas in order to expand this service).

This support goes from the moment of the application itself or initial talks before the academic term starts at UFPel to the completeness of the academic activities and elaboration of reports (when applicable). UFPel has exclusive apartments for foreigners, with separate accommodation for students and staff, as well as easy access to food and free transportation. In addition, UFPel is about to implement a Housing Program for foreign students in order to better integrate them into the community of UFPel and Pelotas. UFPel regularly offers courses of Portuguese as a Foreign Language for students and staff to help them improve their communication skills and integrate them into Brazilian culture. For 19 years UFPel has had a program called Amigo Universitário (Buddy Friend), through which every foreign student arriving UFPel is welcomed and assisted by a UFPel student or staff member to help him/her in all practical questions related to the life in Pelotas and at UFPel.

7. Policy for the appropriation of the knowledge and experience acquired abroad by the recipients of the actions of the Institutional Project of Internationalization.

UFPel has recently established a policy to systematically incorporate the knowledge and strategies acquired abroad by students and staff. This is being done by creating permanent
spaces for dissemination and discussion of good practices observed in international institutions (UFPel Internationalization Forum), as well as the collection of reports on mobility processes.

The Strategic Institutional Planning for Internationalization also plans the organization of consolidated annual reports of experiences lived abroad, whose purpose is to bring to the academic community and in particular to institutional managers some possibilities for the incorporation of curricular innovations, modification of administrative procedures, discussion of strategic themes and areas, proposition of new research groups focused on topics of global interest, among other elements that may be useful to qualify UFPel.

Another important element in the Strategic Planning is the encouragement to consolidate and disseminate the partnerships established with foreign institutions through mobility processes. With this strategy, it is hoped that the partnerships fostered by the processes of international mobility can develop truly institutional roots, benefiting the various programs of UFPel.

8. Management and implementation policy of the Institutional Project of Internationalization.

The management and implementation of UFPel Institutional Internationalization Project will take place through a joint action between the Project Management Group, the Vice Presidency for Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation (PRPPGI), the Office for International Affairs (CRInter) and the Presidency of UFPel. The Management Group specially established for this purpose will be responsible for the overall monitoring of the project. It will be responsible for the execution of the actions, the fulfillment of the objectives, budget execution and, above all, supervising the project through the monitoring of the indicators, elaborating monitoring reports and the final report. For these activities, the Management Group will require specific actions from PRPPGI and CRInter, in particular in regards to the monitoring of indicators and preparation of partial reports. The institutional upper administration will monitor the progress of the Institutional Project, and guarantee the necessary institutional counterparts to achieve the objectives and goals established.

9. Monitoring and internal evaluation of the goals policy of the Institutional Project of Internationalization.

The monitoring policy and internal evaluation of the goals and execution of the Institutional Project of Internationalization (PII) will be led by the Management Committee and the Institutional Project Manager. After the approval of the project by CAPES and budget provisions, a schedule/project for the implementation of the IIP will be elaborated, in which the Strategic Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the actions established will be updated month by month.

The evolution monitoring system of KPIs will be based on the indicators linked to the actions described in the IIP, but specific KPIs for each strategy and policy described in the IIP and in the Strategic Planning of Internationalization of UFPel will also be included in the monitoring phase of the KPId.

The objective of this monitoring policy is not only to follow the progress of the actions related to the themes and objectives or the evolution of the international cooperation projects listed in the IIP, but above all to guarantee the qualification and the Graduate Programs at UFPel through a systematized process of internationalization and promotion of academic excellence, as well as the comprehensive implementation of UFPel Strategic Internationalization Plan.

10. Policy for the conciliation of national development programs supported by CAPES to the internationalization effort.

Based on the understanding that internationalization is a mean by which it will be possible to qualify UFPel graduate programs and all academic activities, and recognizing the importance of the Implementation of the Internationalization Institutional Project (PII) and the Internationalization Planning of UFPel, a policy will be adopted to reconcile other development programs, including those supported by Capes, to the institutional effort to promote internationalization.

Through this policy, the inclusion of goals and actions aligned with the IIP within the promotion programs will be encouraged. The following actions are based on this policy:

1. UFPel Graduate Programs will be encouraged to allocate CAPES Master and PhD scholarships (social demand) to foreigners who can work within the cooperation projects listed in the IIP;
2. Graduate Programs will be advised to allocate part of their funding resources to resources to cooperation projects and actions under the IIP;
3. During the writing workshops for fundraising projects promoted by UFPel, the importance of raising funds in projects that are aligned with the IIP will be highlighted and valued;
4. Institutional or individual programs to be fostered by CAPES, CNPq, FINEP or other agencies will focus primarily on the strategic themes listed in the IIP in order to allow for the allocation of funding resources, permanent material, or even infrastructure works to support and promote further development of the IIP;
5. Programs funded by CAPES that are in force or new submissions of proposals that raise funds for permanent materials, funding and grants will be aligned with the IIP to strengthen institutional goals and ensure the development of IIP.

11. Describe here other innovative policies that will be adopted by the institution that were not addressed before in the above items.

UFPel is promoting a Permanent Internationalization Forum to foster internationalization in a comprehensive way, raising awareness of its strategic importance for institutional development. UFPel is creating a committee to foster internationalization and discuss topics and strategic areas for research and teaching development within international cooperation. This committee will also contribute to the evaluation of strategic international partnerships for UFPel.