sexta-feira, janeiro 24


Abílio Baeta Neves talking about CAPES-PrInt [in portuguese]

Source: Capes_Oficial

PrInt: new perspectives for internationalization of Graduate Studies in Brazil [in portuguese]

Source: Capes_Oficial

Objective of the Program

Foster the construction, implementation and consolidation of strategic plans for the internationalization of the institutions awarded with Capes PrInt grant in the fields of knowledge they prioritize; encourage the formation of international research networks in order to improve the quality of academic production related to postgraduate studies; expand the actions to support internationalization in the postgraduate programs of the awarded institutions; promote the bilateral international mobility of doctoral and postdoctoral professors and students linked to programs under international cooperation; encourage the transformation of the participating institutions in an international environment; and integrate other Capes development actions into the internationalization effort.

UFPel approach to PrInt

The Federal University of Pelotas (Universidade Federal de Pelotas -UFPel) is located in the south border of Brazil. The institution provides world-class higher education at bachelor degree, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral levels. It also encourages the creation of new knowledge, new ideas and new technologies, drives innovation, and is concerned with the development of the region of Pelotas.

While national and internationally acknowledged for its leadership role in higher education and research, UFPel has yet to fully leverage the benefit of the opportunities of internationalization for enhancing the academic experience of its students both here and abroad, adding to their competencies within and beyond the normal curricula as well as opening a world of opportunities to the institution, its faculty members and staff from all department and to the state as a whole.

To this end, UFPel’s approach to internationalization must be aligned with its Global Strategic Plan, which covers policies for teaching and learning , research strategies, public engagement and its special obligation to the people of Pelotas and region. In this spirit, UFPel’s community has worked for 12 months to build up the first draft and to largely discuss with the main stakeholders its first Strategic Internationalization Plan (SIP).

After several round of debates, UFPel’s SIP 2018-2022 proposes seven goals to strengthen its internationalization efforts and sets the stage for a wide range of ambitious international and intercultural initiatives. These Goals are followed by specific objectives, and for each one of them several strategies and Key Performance Indicators were aligned to facilitate the implementation and monitoring of the SIP.

The Goals and objectives within the SIP were designed to be synergistic and mutually supportive, besides providing some strategic leadership to achieve outcomes that will have a transformative impact on the quality of UFPel’s graduates, research, outreaching.

Last but not least, such goals and objectives are also expected to enhance the future and
reputation of the institution, promoting more opportunities for the future of the people
of Pelotas and region. The Goals of UFPel’s SIP are the following:

1. Increase and facilitate internationalization at the Federal University of Pelotas.
2. Promote and foster an international academic environment at UFPel.
3. Increase the presence of international students, academic and non-academic staff in all academic levels at UFPel.
4. Promote and expand Strategic International Partnerships for UFPel.
5. Prepare students to play a leading role in their regional and social context, but with reference to global needs.
6. Promote Teaching, Research, Extension and Innovation from an innovative perspective and contextualized with the global needs, considering the local and regional particularities.
7. Systematically incorporate to UFPel’s culture the knowledge and strategies acquired abroad by students and staff.

The Goals of UFPel’s SIP are connected to the Institutional Internationalization Project (IIP) which was elaborated based on the SIP and is being submitted to the Brazilian  Agency CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel). Both SIP and IIP share several common objectives and indicators, and both are committed to improve the academic output of UFPel through a comprehensive and ambitious implementation scheme leaded by several stakeholders.

The time has come for UFPel to think globally act globally in order to reach its strategic objectives, achieve its vision, and strengthen its impact on the future of the people from Pelotas and region. Internationalization is one of the tools on which the university is relying to improve its academic skills and its impact for the future.