terça-feira, março 11

Bioactive molecules containing selenium – Synthesis, characterization and applications

Download the International Cooperation Project here.
Coordinator: Prof. Eder João Lenardão                                  Academic Profile

The main objective of this project is to make use of the expertise of the different research groups of the Graduate Program in Chemistry (PPGQ) to develop new methodologies for the synthesis of molecules containing selenium (Se) and evaluate their potential in different biological applications. The involvement and collaboration of the research groups of the Chemistry Graduate Program will contribute to increase the quality of the research carried out by them and to the education of qualified human resources.

It also highlights the multidisciplinary nature of this project, which will allow for direct collaboration with other UFPel research groups and other research institutions in the country and abroad. Several papers published by the Chemistry Graduate Program research groups demonstrate that molecules containing attractive biological activities (anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antioxidant, and others) exhibit attractive targets in the prospection of new therapeutic agents for the treatment and/or combat of different types of diseases. In general, the protocols used in the synthesis of these molecules respect the principles of green chemistry, thus avoiding waste of reagents, generation of residues, among others. In spite of all the advances and innovations already produced by the CGP in this field of knowledge, new studies are still needed to make more efficient molecules and biocompatible materials synthesized and make studies advance in order to put a product on the market.

The development of devices to increase the bioavailability and action of these molecules in practical applications is another key factor that will be explored in this project. The encapsulation of these Se-containing molecules in devices such as gels, membranes or particles will, for example, control the biological action of these molecules, ensure their bioavailability, direct application to target regions, and other benefits.

During the execution of this project, it is hoped to strengthen  the collaboration and the exchange of knowledge with foreign researchers who already have cooperation with PPGQ professors (in particular with the Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy, with which UFPel has a framework agreement for cooperation and a specific agreement for the creation of a joint supervision of doctoral studies already signed).

Furthermore, CGP wishes to expand its cooperation with other foreign institutions and researchers in order to promote internationalization of the same and to enable the academic mobility of its students and professors.