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quinta-feira, dezembro 19
Strategic Institutional Plan for Internationalization
Project General Rules
Institutional Internationalization Project (PrInt)
Health Society: a view over the equity during the vital cycle
Bioactive molecules containing selenium – Synthesis, characterization and applications
Center for Healthy Cities, Aging and Citizenship
Creation of the Center for innovation in and technology applied to the production of immunobiological drugs
Creation of the Thematic Center of Innovation in Nanomedicine (NanoMed)
Global Observatory for Physical Activity
Observatory for Global Pathologies
Healthy Food in Sustainable Territories
Food, Culture and Identity
Food, Ethic and Reciprocity
Growing food on site-built substrates
Use of agriculture co-products in the feeding of ruminants
Funding Opportunities
Call for applications
Contact us
Innovation at UFPel
Marie-Charlotte Huysmans:
Should (can) this tooth come out?